Ellingson Angus - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/1/25]


Ellingson Hi Range 4037 Ellingson Hi-Range

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Blackcap 0114

AAA#: 20989658 Tattoo: 4037 Birthdate: 2/10/24

EA Blackcap 2172

HP: + 18.8 CEM: + 9 $M: + 80 BW: 69 205 WT: 874 WN Ratio: 109 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 109 BW: -0.4 WW: + 78 YW: + 130 M: + 27 MB: + .62 RE: + .72

CLAW: +.29 ANGLE: +.25

Ellingson Hi Range 4037 was a pasture-favorite amongst our crew and visitors all summer alongside his big-bar- reled 2-year-old dam. When studying Lot 22 on sale day, you will notice his tremendous length of spine, fleshing ease and overall correctness. His Ellingson Badlands 0285 dam is following in the footsteps of the productive dams before her, posting a nursing ratio of 109 on her first try and settling back to first-service A.I. to calve early again this spring. His granddam and Pathfinder great-granddam both serve on our donor roster and have progeny highlight- ing this sale.

Above: Lot 22, Ellingson Hi Range 4037. Left: Ellingson Badlands 0285, the maternal grandsire of Lots 22-31.



Ellingson Hi Range 4058 Ellingson Hi-Range

Ellingson Hi Range 4073 Ellingson Hi-Range

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Queen Dolly 7106

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Hyalite Lady 0396

AAA#: 20989662 Tattoo: 4058 Birthdate: 2/11/24

AAA#: 20989663 Tattoo: 4073 Birthdate: 2/12/24

EA Queen Dolly 2305

EA Hyalite Lady 2366

HP: + 18.2 CEM: + 9 $M: + 89 BW: 76 205 WT: 907 WN Ratio: 114 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 114 BW: -0.2 WW: + 83 YW: + 141 M: + 26 MB: + .70 RE: + 1.28

HP: + 11.9 CEM: + 14 $M: + 82 BW: 76 205 WT: 843 WN Ratio: 106 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 106 BW: -0.6 WW: + 68 YW: + 114 M: + 33 MB: + .50 RE: + 1.09

CLAW: +.26 ANGLE: +.24

CLAW: +.40 ANGLE: +.31

Ellingson Hi Range 4058 is a wide-topped bull from the Hi Range x Badlands mating. He did not take a backseat to his contemporaries, capturing a 113 weaning ratio in a competitive class. His genomic profile ranks him amongst the elite end of the Angus population for calving-ease di- rect, weaning and yearling weight, scrotal circumference, foot quality, PAP, heifer pregnancy, ribeye area and carcass weight.

Being soft-middled and deep-flanked with a striking pro- file, this Hi-Range son is easy to gravitate toward in the bull pen. His 2-year-old dam by Ellingson Badlands 0285 is wedge shaped and easy fleshing and has a picture-perfect udder. He puts forth a balanced-trait package on paper that will drive your program forward in producing practical, problem-free cattle.

Ellingson Rangeland, the paternal grandsire of Lots 1-42.

Lot 24, Ellingson Hi Range 4073.


2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog

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