Ellingson Angus - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/1/25]


Ellingson Hi Range 4015 Ellingson Hi-Range

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Emblynette 8095

AAA#: 20989653 Tattoo: 4015 Birthdate: 2/8/24

EA Emblynette 2025

HP: + 14.1 CEM: + 11 $M: + 68 BW: 74 205 WT: 862 WN Ratio: 108 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 108 BW: -2.5 WW: + 69 YW: + 120 M: + 32 MB: + .32 RE: + 1.07

CLAW: +.37 ANGLE: +.31

Lot 29 has been a leader of the pack since early on. His sharp front end, massive rib shape and fluency on the move should translate to daughters that will go to work for you. He posted a weaning ratio of 108, and his dam settled back to first-service A.I. for an early calf due this spring. He shows off the depths of our program, as 15 of the first 16 ancestors in his three-generation pedigree were bred and raised right here on the ranch.

Lot 29, Ellingson Hi Range 4015.


Ellingson Hi Range 4372 Ellingson Hi-Range


Ellingson Hi Range 4301 Ellingson Hi-Range

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Blackbird 0084

Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Badlands 0285 EA Lucy 0436

AAA#: 20989657 Tattoo: 4372 Birthdate: 3/6/24

EA Blackbird 2133

AAA#: 20989655 Tattoo: 4301 Birthdate: 3/3/24

EA Lucy 2053

HP: + 16.5 CEM: + 9 $M: + 91 BW: 76 205 WT: 819 WN Ratio: 103 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 103 BW: +2.3 WW: + 75 YW: + 131 M: + 24 MB: + .55 RE: + .64

HP: + 17.4 CEM: + 16 $M: + 65 BW: 73 205 WT: 748 WN Ratio: 94 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 94 BW: + 0.8 WW: + 79 YW: + 140 M: + 19 MB: + .39 RE: + 1.25

CLAW: +.30 ANGLE: +.33

CLAW: +.36 ANGLE: +.31

We strive to produce Angus cattle that bend the perfor- mance curve. That means we aim to maximize weaning and yearling performance, while putting downward pressure on mature height and size. Lot 30 accomplishes that feat well, ranking amongst the top third of the breed for growth and the bottom quarter of the breed for mature size. We believe that cattle that can accomplish that are more efficient and profitable in the commercial cow-calf industry.

This is another bull from the Hi-Range x Badlands mat- ing, a combination that presents an excellent selection of bulls that we believe progressive commercial ranchers will appreciate. His 2-year-old dam is elegant fronted with the added fleshing ability to be able to go to work foraging, even in challenging conditions. Ellingson Hi Range 4374 Ellingson Hi-Range


Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Queen 8198

AAA#: 20989651 Tattoo: 4374 Birthdate: 3/6/24

EA Queen 1214

HP: + 15.9 CEM: + 16 $M: + 84 BW: 73 205 WT: 863 WN Ratio: 108 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 111 BW: -0.6 WW: + 74 YW: + 121 M: + 16 MB: + .31 RE: + .78

CLAW: +.27 ANGLE: +.21

Ellingson Hi Range 4374 is one of Stetson’s favorite bulls in the entire offering. He puts forth more natural thickness and substance of bone than most any bull. He was produced from arguably the most impressive Profound daughter we have working on the ranch. She has a pro- duction birth ratio of 2/93 and a nursing ratio of 2/111, and has settled back to first-service A.I. to have another early-born calf this spring. She is a beautifully construct- ed, feminine-fronted, soft-made cow with an incredible udder attachment.

Lot 32, Ellingson Hi Range 4374.


2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog

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