Ellingson Angus - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/1/25]

AAA#: 20989473 Tattoo: 4089 Birthdate: 2/13/24 103

Ellingson Badlands 4089 Ellingson Badlands 0285

Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Greenlee Rose 8626

EA Greenlee Rose 2213

HP: + 9.6 CEM: + 7 $M: + 89 BW: 76 205 WT: 827 WN Ratio: 104 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 104 BW: +2.2 WW: + 72 YW: + 107 M: + 23 MB: + .36 RE: + .62

CLAW: +.21 ANGLE: +.23

Ellingson Badlands 4089 is one of Stetson’s personal favorites amongst the Badlands sire group. He has an ideal Angus head and ear set, ample natural width and exceptional softness and depth of flank. His 2-year-old dam is ultra-feminine fronted and has a picture-perfect udder.

AAA#: 20989458 Tattoo: 4134 Birthdate: 2/16/24 104

Ellingson Badlands 4134 Ellingson Badlands 0285

Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Blacklass 8022

EA Blacklass 2003

HP: + 14.7 CEM: + 13 $M: + 90 BW: 76 205 WT: 788 WN Ratio: 99 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 99 BW: +0.7 WW: + 65 YW: + 110 M: + 27 MB: + .34 RE: + .56

After graduation from Bismarck State College last spring, Medora headed south to Lubbock, Texas, to finish her bachelor’s degree at Texas Tech. She is competing in barrel racing on the college rodeo team.

CLAW: +.31 ANGLE: +.26

Sharp fronted and expressively muscled, this bull high- lights the fine points of what Badlands and his sons con- sistently excel at – structural soundness, natural width, softness, Angus breed character and scrotal circumference.

AAA#: 20989453 Tattoo: 4224 Birthdate: 2/24/24 105

Ellingson Badlands 4224 Ellingson Badlands 0285

Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Blacklass 4024

EA Blacklass 1257

EA Blacklass 4024, the maternal

HP: + 13 CEM: + 8 $M: + 89 BW: 75 205 WT: 726 WN Ratio: 91 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 100 BW: +1.4 WW: + 64 YW: + 107 M: + 32 MB: + .14 RE: + .47

granddam of Lot 105.

CLAW: +.29 ANGLE: +.26

Here is one of the more modest-framed Badlands sons that is wide and deep. His genomic profile ranks him amongst the top 1 percent of the population for both claw and angle. A maternal sister is retained in our bred heifer and is due with an early A.I. calf this spring.

AAA#: 20989456 Tattoo: 4419 Birthdate: 3/9/24 106

AAA#: 20989452 Tattoo: 4218 Birthdate: 2/23/24 107

Ellingson Badlands 4419 Ellingson Badlands 0285

Ellingson Badlands 4218 Ellingson Badlands 0285

Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Primrose 7346

Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Madame Pride 3072

EA Primrose 1365

EA Madame Pride 1175

HP: + 11.3 CEM: + 8 $M: + 62 BW: 84 205 WT: 809 WN Ratio: 101 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 98 BW: +3.9 WW: + 76 YW: + 121 M: + 19 MB: + .71 RE: + .46

HP: + 14.2 CEM: + 7 $M: + 57 BW: 88 205 WT: 770 WN Ratio: 96 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 101 BW: +3.3 WW: + 83 YW: + 144 M: + 19 MB: + .42 RE: + .71

CLAW: +.34 ANGLE: +.33

CLAW: +.27 ANGLE: +.30

Lot 106 stacks Badlands, Profound, Juneau 797, Cowboy, Tradition and Doctor into his immediate lineage. All are sires that have been accepted among the masses of commer- cial ranchers. A maternal brother was selected by Chris and Dawn Letellier as a part of last year’s offering.

For those looking to incorporate a Badlands son with a little more skeletal outline and extension, look no further. A maternal sister is retained in our bred heifer pen and is due with an early A.I. calf, just like their mother, who has settled to first-service every year of her production career.


2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog

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