AAA#: 20989480 Tattoo: 4110 Birthdate: 2/15/24 Twin brothers: Lots 108-109 108
Ellingson Badlands 4110 Ellingson Badlands 0285 Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Blackbird Revella 8487 EA Blackbird Revella 2398 HP: + 9.7 CEM: + 8 $M: + 58 BW: 63 205 WT: 741 WN Ratio: 100 BW: +2.4 WW: + 86 YW: + 139 M: + 18 MB: + .09 RE: + .50
CLAW: +.20 ANGLE: +.16
To be expected, this pair of identical twin brothers, Lots 108 and 109, are peas in a pod. They present the same unique opportunity as embryo transplant brothers to create more evenness throughout your next calfcrop. Their young dam settled back to first-service A.I. again this year, despite having twins as a 2-year-old. That’s a true testament to her resiliency and fertility. Lots 108 and 109 are twin brothers.
FFA is proof that the future is bright for agriculture. Sheridan (front) is the Mandan FFA Chapter president this year.
AAA#: 20989481 Tattoo: 4111 Birthdate: 2/15/24 Twin brothers: Lots 108-109 109
AAA#: 20989476 Tattoo: 4003 Birthdate: 2/5/24 110
Ellingson Badlands 4111 Ellingson Badlands 0285 Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Blackbird Revella 8487 EA Blackbird Revella 2398 HP: + 9.8 CEM: + 8 $M: + 59 BW: 60 205 WT: 727 WN Ratio: 100 BW: +2.4 WW: + 86 YW: + 139 M: + 18 MB: + .09 RE: + .50
Ellingson Badlands 4003 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Lucy 9171
EA Lucy 2290
HP: + 15.3 CEM: + 11 $M: + 82 BW: 70 205 WT: 749 WN Ratio: 94 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 94 BW: +0.2 WW: + 67 YW: + 113 M: + 29 MB: + .23 RE: + .50
CLAW: +.20 ANGLE: +.16
CLAW: +.27 ANGLE: +.24
Lining together Badlands, Profound, Chaps, Juneau 797, Bandwagon, Tradition and Traveler 8180, this heifer-safe bull should leave behind a stellar set of daughters. A ma- ternal brother to his dam by Ellingson Profound 8155 was a featured lot as part of last year’s production sale and was selected by John and Amy Lord.
Lots 108 and 109 are twin brothers.
EA Emblynette 5652, the maternal
granddam of Lot 111.
AAA#: 20989469 Tattoo: 4168 Birthdate: 2/18/24 111
Ellingson Badlands 4168 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Emblynette 5652
EA Emblynette 2119
HP: + 10.9 CEM: + 11 $M: + 93 BW: 76 205 WT: 680 WN Ratio: 100 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 100 BW: + 1.4 WW: + 76 YW: + 122 M: + 24 MB: + .52 RE: + .79
AAA#: 21080537 Tattoo: 4714 Birthdate: 2/28/24 Flush brothers: Lots 112-113 112
Ellingson Badlands 4714 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Koupal Juneau 797 EA Blackbird 0079
CLAW: +.27 ANGLE: +.23
EA Blackcap 7052
Ellingson Badlands 4168 is a no-holes individual that will keep your breeding program out of the ditches. His dam by Ellingson Profound 8155 is a maternal sister to a Pathfinder donor dam, EA Emblynette 8572, the dam of the Badlands sons selling as Lots 142 and 143 in this Real-World Genetics Production Sale on Feb. 1.
HP: + 19.9 CEM: + 12 $M: + 102 BW: 83 205 WT: 865 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 6 / 107 BW: +0.9 WW: + 77 YW: + 139 M: + 34 MB: + .23 RE: + .39
CLAW: +.24 ANGLE: +.17
Lots 112 and 113 are rugged stock bulls from a favorite donor that epitomizes fertility, structural soundness and mothering ability and has a birth ratio of 6/95, a nursing ratio of 6/107, a yearling ratio of 4/104 and a ribeye ratio of 8/102. Straka Angus, Johnson Angus, Aaron Subart, Reinick Ranch, Dave Kraenzel, Steve Bass and Jay Gul- lickson own brothers. We have high expectations for these bulls’ flush sisters. Lots 112 and 113 are flush brothers.
2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog
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