AAA#: 20989459 Tattoo: 4206 Birthdate: 2/22/24 124
AAA#: 20989487 Tattoo: 4260 Birthdate: 2/29/24 125
Ellingson Badlands 4206 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Badlands 4260 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Benfield Substance 8506 EA Rosetta 312
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Secretary 2011 EA Blackbird 7856
EA Rosetta 2030
EA Blackbird 5077
HP: + 15.3 CEM: + 6 $M: + 66 BW: 90 205 WT: 727 WN Ratio: 91 Nursing Ratio: 10 / 99 BW: +2.9 WW: + 60 YW: + 102 M: + 17 MB: + .68 RE: + .62
HP: + 17 CEM: + 7 $M: + 87 BW: 86 205 WT: 735 WN Ratio: 92 Nursing Ratio: 7 / 102 BW: +1 WW: + 65 YW: + 112 M: + 26 MB: + .37 RE: + .56
CLAW: +.34 ANGLE: +.35
CLAW: +.40 ANGLE: +.33
Still the very best tool we have at our disposal to drive ge- netic progress forward for traits like longevity is selecting breeding stock produced from dams that have stood the test of time. Lot 124 presents that opportunity, as his dam is still producing in the herd at 13 years of age. Maternal brothers have been selected by Tracy Hoherz, Aaron Subart and Penhros Farms, while a full brother has been selected by Doug Maher.
The productive dam of Ellingson Badlands 4260 by El- lingson Secretary 2011 has recorded a production nursing ratio of 7/102, a yearling ratio of 5/102, an IMF ratio of 4/113 and a ribeye ratio of 4/100. Maternal brothers are working for Northway Cattle Company and Rodney Schatz.
AAA#: 20989465 Tattoo: 4209 Birthdate: 2/22/24 126
Ellingson Badlands 4209 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Turn Key 0170 EA Emblynette 7223
EA Emblynette 2062
HP: + 12.6 CEM: + 8 $M: + 93 BW: 88 205 WT: 849 WN Ratio: 106 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 106 BW: +3.3 WW: + 86 YW: + 131 M: + 22 MB: + .38 RE: + .80
CLAW: +.28 ANGLE: +.27
Lot 126 is the cowboy’s kind, being one of the most pounds-heavy Badlands sons in the sale offering. His dam is one of the nicer 2-year-olds we calved this past spring. She not only has a maternal look, but has, so far, offered tangible results, like bringing home 6 percent more pounds of calf than the herd average, settling to first-ser- vice A.I. on both chances and holding her condition well while working. That is where the rubber meets the road on what’s truly maternal. His granddam has earned the esteemed status of Pathfinder.
Lot 126, Ellingson Badlands 4209.
AAA#: 20989460 Tattoo: 4366 Birthdate: 3/5/24 127
Ellingson Badlands 4366 Ellingson Badlands 0285
AAA#: 20989484 Tattoo: 4109 Birthdate: 2/15/24 128
Ellingson Badlands 4109 Ellingson Badlands 0285
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Turn Key 0170 EA Primrose 3058
Ellingson Rider Pride 7282 EA Bells Girl 7617 Ellingson Turn Key 0170 EA Evergreen 7066
EA Primrose 2031
EA Evergreen 2405
HP: + 13.6 CEM: + 11 $M: + 96 BW: 71 205 WT: 807 WN Ratio: 101 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 101 BW: -0.7 WW: + 74 YW: + 127 M: + 22 MB: + .54 RE: + .82
HP: + 20.2 CEM: + 9 $M: + 108 BW: 75 205 WT: 690 WN Ratio: 87 Nursing Ratio: 1 / 87 BW: + 1.7 WW: + 69 YW: + 116 M: + 28 MB: + .29 RE: + .74
CLAW: +.40 ANGLE: +.31
CLAW: +.34 ANGLE: +.32
Here is a soft-centered, calving-ease bull that should be utilized on virgin heifers. All the while, he should still keep you competitive for growth, ranking in the top one-third of the breed for both weaning and yearling weight. Then, he should leave you some daughters that are rancher-friendly sized, as he ranks in the bottom 20 percent for mature size. His dam is a maternal sister to the proven, commer- cial-heifer-project sire Ellingson Snapshot featured at Genex Beef.
We have collected fertility data on our yearling heifers for many years now, which is, in turn, processed through the American Angus Association to develop the heifer preg- nancy (HP) EPD. We have full confidence in its accuracy and reliability, as its backed by years and large pools of data and verified by genomics. If you’re looking to improve the breeding ability in your replacement heifer pen, pay special attention to bulls like Lot 128.
2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog
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