Lot 201, Ellingson Bold 4430.
Lot 202, Ellingson Bold 4067.
Basin Rainmaker 4404, the maternal anchor sire of Lots 195-204.
Ellingson Program, a maternal brother to Lot 201.
AAA#: 20989798 Tattoo: 4430 Birthdate: 3/9/24 201
AAA#: 20989801 Tattoo: 4067 Birthdate: 2/12/24 202
Ellingson Bold 4430 Ellingson Bold
Ellingson Bold 4067 Ellingson Bold
Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Miss Blackbird 5054 Basin Rainmaker 4404 EA Emblynette 7272
Ellingson Profound 8155 EA Miss Blackbird 5054 Basin Rainmaker 4404 EA Edella Erica 7062
EA Emblynette 9145
EA Edella Erica 9324
HP: + 14.1 CEM: + 6 $M: + 72 BW: 88 205 WT: 857 WN Ratio: 107 Nursing Ratio: 3 / 108 BW: +3.9 WW: + 81 YW: + 133 M: + 27 MB: + .43 RE: + .63
HP: + 11.1 CEM: + 9 $M: + 83 BW: 80 205 WT: 859 WN Ratio: 108 Nursing Ratio: 4 / 102 BW: +2.4 WW: + 83 YW: + 139 M: + 30 MB: + .68 RE: + .57
CLAW: +.23 ANGLE: +.29
CLAW: +.37 ANGLE: +.36
We have strong faith in the potential breeding contribu- tions that this young herdsire prospect, Ellingson Bold 4430, could be capable of. His Rainmaker dam has recorded a production nursing ratio of 3/108, a yearling ratio of 2/107, an IMF ratio of 2/111 and a ribeye ratio of 2/102. He is a maternal brother to Ellingson Program, a standout of his calfcrop that was selected by Katus X7 Ranch as the fourth-high-selling bull of the 2024 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale. Another maternal brother, Ellingson On Star 1013, has become a cornerstone breeding sire for 12 Star Ranch, a registered Angus opera- tion in Louisiana.
The first progeny sired by Bold have made many friends by those who have seen them. Their authentic Angus breed character, distinct, gender-specific characteristics and overall functionality set them apart from the others. This Bold son, Ellingson Bold 4067, has been a contemporary leader since Day 1, and he commanded a weaning ratio of 107 this past fall. Lot 202’s maternal brother was selected by Gary and Shane Siverson in the 2023 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale.
2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog
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