Ellingson Hi Range 4034 Ellingson Hi-Range
Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Koupal Advance 28 EA Bells Girl 2181
AAA#: 20989672 Tattoo: 4034 Birthdate: 2/10/24 Flush brothers: Lots 4-7
EA Bells Girl 7659
HP: + 13.2 CEM: + 10 $M: + 69 BW: 84 205 WT: 883 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 6 / 105 BW: +1.1 WW: + 76 YW: + 130 M: + 29 MB: + .34 RE: + 1.15
CLAW: +.39 ANGLE: +.28
Lots 4-7 are flush brothers.
Ellingson Hi Range 4030 Ellingson Hi-Range
Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Koupal Advance 28 EA Bells Girl 2181
Lot 5, Ellingson Hi Range 4034.
AAA#: 20989670 Tattoo: 4030 Birthdate: 2/9/24 Flush brothers: Lots 4-7
EA Bells Girl 7659
Ellingson Hi Range 3802 Ellingson Hi-Range
HP: + 14.4 CEM: + 15 $M: + 64 BW: 83 205 WT: 793 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 6 / 105 BW: -0.5 WW: + 71 YW: + 121 M: + 37 MB: + .48 RE: + 1.08
Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Koupal Advance 28 EA Bells Girl 2181
AAA#: 20771863 Tattoo: 3802 Birthdate: 7/31/23
EA Bells Girl 7645
CLAW: +.50 ANGLE: +.30
HP: + 16.9 CEM: + 13 $M: + 68 BW: 76 205 WT: 798 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 5 / 109 BW: +1.1 WW: + 75 YW: + 128 M: + 20 MB: + .57 RE: + .85
Lots 4-7 are flush brothers.
Ellingson Hi Range 4149 Ellingson Hi-Range
CLAW: +.33 ANGLE: +.22
This fall-born Ellingson Hi-Range son brings added size and maturity to likely cover more cows and country in his first year of service. His flush sister is an exceptional bred heifer in our fall replacement pen. His sister sired by Rangeland is one of the most elite young cows we own. She joined our donor pen this spring and is on a stellar trajectory, already having produced Ellingson Lakota, the second-high-selling bull in last year’s sale going to Alta Genetics, and the lead-off Prolific son in this offering that sells as Lot 43. His Pathfinder donor dam has a production nursing ratio of 5/109, a yearling ratio of 4/106, an IMF ratio of 8/113 and a ribeye ratio of 8/101. He is a full broth- er in blood to Lots 1-7 and 9-11.
Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Koupal Advance 28 EA Bells Girl 2181
AAA#: 20989674 Tattoo: 4149 Birthdate: 2/17/24 Flush brothers: Lots 4-7
EA Bells Girl 7659
HP: + 12.2 CEM: + 17 $M: + 53 BW: 82 205 WT: 864 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 6 / 105 BW: -2.5 WW: + 74 YW: + 134 M: + 28 MB: + .76 RE: + .98
CLAW: +.46 ANGLE: +.36
Lots 4-7 are flush brothers.
Ellingson Hi Range 4715 Ellingson Hi-Range
Ellingson Rangeland EA Emblynette 9473 Koupal Advance 28 EA Bells Girl 2181
AAA#: 21057330 Tattoo: 4715 Birthdate: 2/28/24 Flush brothers: Lots 9-11
EA Bells Girl 7602
HP: + 9.4 CEM: + 13 $M: + 67 BW: 73 205 WT: 737 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 5 / 101 BW: +1.5 WW: + 71 YW: + 118 M: + 22 MB: + .61 RE: + .82
CLAW: +.33 ANGLE: +.28
These flush brothers are alike in type and kind. Their donor dam is one of the most beautifully uddered cows we own and part of the standout flush of Advance and EA Bells Girl 2181. Their maternal brother, Ellingson Statement, was the high-selling calving-ease bull of the 2023 sale. He sold to Little Goose Ranch and Barnes Ranch and is mak- ing a name for himself with his first calfcrop. They are full brothers in blood to Lots 1-8. Lots 9-11 are flush brothers.
EA Bells Girl 7645, the dam of Lot 8 and a full sister to the dams of Lots 1-7 and 9-11.
2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog
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