Ellingson Angus - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/1/25]

Lot 288, Ellingson Pilot 4305.

Ellingson Hi-Range, a maternal brother to Lots 287-291.

AAA#: 20989745 Tattoo: 4262 Birthdate: 2/28/24 Flush brothers: Lots 287-291 287

AAA#: 20989746 Tattoo: 4305 Birthdate: 3/3/24 Flush brothers: Lots 287-291 288 AAA#: 20989747 Tattoo: 4314 Birthdate: 3/4/24 Flush brothers: Lots 287-291 289 AAA#: 20989744 Tattoo: 4261 Birthdate: 2/28/24 Flush brothers: Lots 287-291 291

Ellingson Pilot 4262 Bear Mtn Pilot 1520

Ellingson Pilot 4305 Bear Mtn Pilot 1520

Tehama Patriarch F028 Bear Mtn Judy 6535 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 EA Emblynette 7211

Tehama Patriarch F028 Bear Mtn Judy 6535 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 EA Emblynette 7211

EA Emblynette 9473

EA Emblynette 9473

HP: + 16.6 CEM: + 12 $M: + 79 BW: 82 205 WT: 847 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 4 / 104 BW: -3.4 WW: + 74 YW: + 132 M: + 33 MB: + .73 RE: + .63

HP: + 12.7 CEM: + 10 $M: + 73 BW: 81 205 WT: 824 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 4 / 104 BW: -2.7 WW: + 61 YW: + 107 M: + 28 MB: + .75 RE: + .14

CLAW: +.42 ANGLE: +.38

CLAW: +.34 ANGLE: +.44

Deep sided and long bodied, these embryo transplant brothers are deep in quality from the first to the last. Their flushmate sisters are some of the top females in our replacement pen. Their Pathfinder donor dam has recorded a production birth ratio of 4/91, a nursing ratio of 4/104, a yearling ratio of 2/103 and a ribeye ratio of 2/103. She is a common theme in this sale book, having some of the very best in the offering from numerous sire groups. They are maternal brothers to Ellingson Hi-Range, the sec- ond-high-selling bull in our 2022 production sale that was selected by Hamilton Farms and MWC Investments and is the sire of the lead-off group in this offering. Another maternal brother, Ellingson Reckoning, was the third- high-selling bull in last year’s sale, selected by Simenson Land and Cattle and Pleasant Hill Farms. Other maternal brothers are working for Ham Ranch, Weers Angus and Jon Carr. Lots 287-291 are flush brothers.

Lots 287-291 are flush brothers.

Ellingson Pilot 4314 Bear Mtn Pilot 1520

Tehama Patriarch F028 Bear Mtn Judy 6535 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 EA Emblynette 7211

EA Emblynette 9473

HP: + 19.6 CEM: + 7 $M: + 82 BW: 84 205 WT: 817 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 4 / 104 BW: -2.1 WW: + 83 YW: + 139 M: + 25 MB: + .61 RE: + .57

CLAW: +.46 ANGLE: +.51

Lots 287-291 are flush brothers.

AAA#: 20989748 Tattoo: 4337 Birthdate: 3/5/24 Flush brothers: Lots 287-291 290

Ellingson Pilot 4337 Bear Mtn Pilot 1520

Ellingson Pilot 4261 Bear Mtn Pilot 1520

Tehama Patriarch F028 Bear Mtn Judy 6535 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 EA Emblynette 7211

Tehama Patriarch F028 Bear Mtn Judy 6535 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 EA Emblynette 7211

EA Emblynette 9473

EA Emblynette 9473

HP: + 12 CEM: + 8 $M: + 74 BW: 81 205 WT: 805 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 4 / 104 BW: -2.2 WW: + 75 YW: + 128 M: + 31 MB: + .99 RE: + .44

HP: + 13.1 CEM: + 6 $M: + 57 BW: 84 205 WT: 687 WN Ratio: ET Nursing Ratio: 4 / 104 BW: -0.9 WW: + 76 YW: + 132 M: + 25 MB: + .70 RE: + .66

CLAW: +.46 ANGLE: +.30

CLAW: +.41 ANGLE: +.41

Lots 287-291 are flush brothers.

Lots 287-291 are flush brothers.


2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog

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