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Giving DPW A Decent Belt With Protected Industrial Action The DPW MUA membership can be commended for standing tall and taking the Protected Industrial Ac- tion which includes:
Shifts duration limited to 6 hours for each shift worked;
Ban on working vessels for 8 hours after being berthed in Fremantle;
Overtime and Extension Bans;
At the time this article was written, MUA members in Fremantle and in each of the DPW Ports around the country, are 7 weeks into Protected Industrial Action (PIA). The PIA is in support of our campaign to push back against DPW’s efforts to rip apart long-standing employment conditions. And there is zero chance of the Union voluntarily taking the foot off the throat of an outfit which have a global track record of human rights and labour abuse.
Ban on Upgrades Monday to Friday Day Shift; Nominated R&D Bans;
Nominated shipping line bans. EBA which has been manipulated by DPW to their advantage
DPW ’ s Industrial Bastardry DPW are seeking to rip apart the FSE roster, redu- ce salaries and force FSE’s to work additional night shifts and weekends. So much for the work-life ba- lance which DPW claim they support. To ensure that they are f***ing over everyone equa- lly, DPW are threatening to coerce VSE’s onto the proposed sub-standard FSE roster (whether they like it or not), reduce the earnings of VSE’s and im- plement scratching arrangements to suit operatio- nal requirements. This will be shambolic for VSE’s who already have zero certainty of work and already have enough challenges without the shit being sent down the line by DPW management. DPW are already giving their proposed shift can- cellation with SFA notice, a workout over the last 6 weeks by standing down members with limited or no notice whatsoever. This grub outfit has so little regard for its workforce that they stood members down after they arrived at work on the pretext that they had no available work. This is despite DPW having had 18 hours’ notice that there would be limited work scopes. This is a mat- ter which is now being dealt with in the Fair Work Commission.
There is plenty of other shit in the mix in DPW’s log of claims. After telling members that they should vi- sit the Emergency Department if they can’t get to see their GP, DPW are now demanding a sick note for more than 1 day of absence from work on ac- count of sickness, each year. It’s almost as though DPW are in some sort of pro- tection racket with the medical profession with this nonsense. Bargaining For Fair Industrial Outcomes The MUA bargaining claims are pretty clear… We want salary equity with Patrick, fixed rosters, agreed scratching arrangements locked in, the absence ma- nagement clause fixed up, fatigue management me- asures implemented and changes to clauses which address key anomalies and fix up wording in the EBA which has been manipulated by DPW to their advantage.
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