MWF 007_Flipbook

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Some of our Facebook Posts are reaching over 20,000 people it is getting the attention of Employers and they are F@#king hating it!

Maritime Union Of Australia - WA Branch

Maritime Union Of Australia - WA Branch

It is uncommon for the MUA to advise our members to not accept permanency, however, if we are to be successful in our campaign we recommend our members hold their ground and push back. The second point is completely different from what’s been communicated to the MUA to date. In our interactions with Go Offshore, they advised us that they would “trial” the higher rate of pay and only implement it based on amending contracts, with no mention of altering their existing agreement. In fact, they seemed resistant to the idea when we raised this as a solution. In the communications sent out, Go Offshore asserted they would maintain the current agreement until 2025 but also stated an intention to discuss adopting a uniform industry agreement with the workforce. These statements appear contradictory, especially considering the absence of a uniform industry agreement. While the agreements share similarities, there are differences between them. The MUA reached out to Go Offshore last week and strongly suggested that Garrick Stanley contact the Union promptly to prevent us from escalating our campaign. There has been no communication since that conversation – and we are only getting warmed up. Our door remains open, and we encourage Garrick Stanley to reach out to us to set a meeting so we can amicably work toward resolving our differences. Until there is an agreement in place that locks in the higher rate of pay and conditions, we call on our members to hold the line and refuse to work for Go Offshore. There is a tonne of work around at the moment and should any of these affected members require assistance – they should contact George Gakis to assist in placing them elsewhere.

Our ESS FPSO members have overwhelmingly endorsed their new agreement with a resound- ing 100% YES vote. This document not only brings numerous advan- tages for our members but also includes sub- stantial wage increases throughout the agree- ment’s duration.

The MUA Crane Ops & IRs on the Castorone have truly gone above and beyond and put in a relent- less effort to ensure the ship’s seaworthiness. They’ve tackled challenging lifts and overcome numerous obstacles, turning the journey on the Castorone into a series of triumphs rather than a straightforward voyage. Throughout the demanding tasks, including the intricate job of cutting the vessel’s handrails to fit a new fridge, the IRs have been instrumental in maintaining the ship’s safety and smooth op- eration. They’ve played a crucial role in execut- ing lifts that seemed impossible at first glance - but they got it done!

Some of the key conditions we have successfully secured for our members are:

: A 22% remuneration increase spread over a 4-year period. : A Bond Store Credit fixed at $100 per on- duty period. : Introduction of a Foreign Ports Allowance. : Heli Admin allowance set at $50 per day for helicopter landings. : An increased Private Health Insurance Allowance, now aligned with the broader

Maritime Union Of Australia - WA Branch

For months the MUA has been trying to work with Go Offshore seeking that they move toward an agreement that provides similar terms and conditions as the rest of the industry. Our position is other than permanent Employees working for Go is a NO GO. We are strongly recommending that our members do not return to work for Go Offshore. Within hours of last week’s MUA Offshore Update, Go Offshore took several actions to mitigate the impact of sourcing crew: 1. They have extended permanent positions to some of the current casual crew; and 2. They have disseminated communications, part of which states: “On our EA, as I have briefed everyone, GO is matching through salary bonus the industry 117%, moving to 4-week swings whilst maintaining our agreement that is valid to 2025. Our intention has always been once there is a uniform industry agreement in place, to discuss with our workforce adopting this agreement in consultation with our clients.”

A huge shout-out is due to the Castorone Crane Op’s and IRs!

offshore standard at $4,500. : Enhanced meal allowances. : Plus More.

All the MUA members on the Castorone are to be commended given the condition of the ship when they joined earlier this week. Despite a four-day delay that sent Saipem into a panic and reportedly cost them upwards of 3 million dol- lars, our members rallied and worked tirelessly to resolve a heap of issues before the ship’s de- parture for Australia. The MUA and OA will continue to support our members shoreside, actively addressing and re- solving any additional challenges that may arise.

None of this would have been achieved without our member’s determination and their commit- ment to advocating for their rights. They were prepared to do whatever was necessary. The MUA WA Branch congratulates these mem- bers for standing tall and delivering yet another cracking EA.

MUA - Here to Stay!

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