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Below are several examples of how the rolling fund money has been used: 1. The coastal tanker campaign - this was a 10 year 2. campaign many years ago; 3. The overseas tanker campaign – support for the Australian National Line; 4. The Australian shipping campaign – this campaign is still ongoing. 5. The Chevron and BHP campaigns – both still ongoing
For many years, vessels in the Australian Merchant fleet collected Rolling funds. The funds were traditionally used to go towards key campaigns to assist the Union and our industry. Every person in our industry today, no matter what division or workplace, owes their very job to the struggle of the Union and the financial and active role played through vessel rolling funds - from the involvement of past and present Rank and File members of the MUA. Our struggles today are not that far different from those all those years ago. The Industrial and Political attacks on workers through reports, pickets, & legal proceedings. Every few years the rolling funds are questioned by some of the membership and some members are reluctant to pay. We should never allow our traditions and way of life at sea to dissipate away because of a few. The ships rolling funds have been and continue to be an integral part of our organisation and a key part to the Union being able to run significant campaigns, knowing that we have the support of the membership both industrially, politically, legally, and financially.
And, more recently in Fremantle:
6. Save Freo Port Campaign; 7. Qube Freo Dispute; 8. 2016 High Court challenge against the Federal Liberal Government 9. Donations to support terminally ill members, along with donations to support the families of members killed on the job, or who were lost at sea; and 10. Various amounts of monies going to affected members for different reasons. In order to run a successful and meaningful campaign, money is needed. It costs money to:
1. Run a social media campaign; 2. Print articles in the newspaper; 3. Design and print leaflets; 4. Pay for billboards or digital billboards; 5. Pay for bus hire;
During 1948 the Union and its members formulated a “pol- icy of peace”. At that same time, there was a campaign to improve the living and working conditions of the shipping industry. To- wards this end, a ‘Peace and Progress fund’ was set up in the Union and members were asked to contribute. To finance these movements and defeat the then Menzies Liberal and Country Party Government at the coming elec- tion, a 10 penny levy was struck. The majority of members supported the policies and direc- tion of the Union and immediately set up rolling funds on all ships which they voluntarily donated each pay day by every crew member. The Australian working class at the time (including our- selves), were under attack by the Menzies Government. There was significant industrial unrest. As a result, trade union workers from various industries were out on Strike and they sought finance to help continue their struggle. Vessel rolling funds were also used to assist other active members in other industries. Prior to rolling funds there used to be tarpaulin musters, with no check and financial accountability on how much money was given in support of various causes. Nowadays, our rolling funds that go to different campaigns and strug- gles ashore, are mostly being paid through the branches of the union and there is proper accountability with all mon- ies being receipted.
The Union dues support the Union structure, which em- ploys officials, lawyers, and staff. The dues are also used to purchase or rent buildings to operate from and set up any necessary infrastructure. The associated costs both then and now are not so different. That being, most of your union dues pay for our organisa- tion to function. Larger unions that have thousands of members are gener- ally making money through their union dues that is used to promote their campaigns. Therefore, rolling funds are not a thing in other industries. Campaigns do not run on thin air and must be funded so that we are able to secure our goals. All donations that come into the Union are accounted for, documented as a part of the Unions financial reports, and independently audited. Whenever money is donated to the Branch from Rolling Funds a receipt is always issued. The WA branch committee also sees the income and ex- penses (which include the rolling funds) of the branch ac- counts and the branch and Union is also audited by a third party. In addition to the Union being audited regularly, the ROC and Royal commission sometimes get involved as well. We have nothing to hide and come out clean, each and every time.
6. Keep members out the gate for days on end – they need financial support and when on the picket line, they need to be fed; 7. Fly members families to other parts of the country to collect belongings of members who have died on the job; 8. Pay for key persons to run out key campaigns; 9. Legal representation; and 10. Fly people across the county to lobby politicians and other person(s) – these people need accommodations and food while they are there representing you.
DONATIONS Most donations to rolling funds are relatively small and members only put in an agreed amount as voted on at the on board meetings. Let’s be clear - if it was not for those members who have previously paid into rolling funds, the present MUA mem- bers wouldn’t have the conditions and living standards they enjoy today. Rolling funds gave our officials and members the neces- sary finance to carry our campaigns to successful conclu- sions and made us one of the best Unions globally. Let us hope that all the people and organisation’s who have benefited from donations through our rolling funds, never forget it was the Union and rank & file members who helped them, and that one day we may call for their assistance. To those members that continue to hold our core values and contribute to the ship rolling funds – a big thank you for your ongoing support to the MUA and the membership.
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