MWF 007_Flipbook

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DPW Declare War on Trucking Companies To ensure that DPW can’t be unfairly accused by the MUA about having a particular hatred of its own wor- kforce, DPW have gone out of their way to ensure they are hated equally by all stakeholders. There is no doubt that DPW are doing their very best to screw employees and have completely screwed the shipping agents and shipping companies which service their terminals. They have also decided that it’s important to share the DPW love by screwing the trucking companies- which take the boxes out of their yards around the country. DPW have announced their decision to hike land-si- de charges by a whopping 45%. DPW’s conduct is schizophrenic to say the least. They are demanding employees take a Real Wage cut to lower costs to their customers and at the same time are hiking up the costs to end users. This will completely trash the narrative they are spin- ning that DPW are seeking lower labour costs so they can help out Australia with lower freight char- ges, lower inflation, and lower interest rates. Not that anyone believes this trickle-down economic bullshit in any event. But surely, if DPW are reducing labour costs and in- creasing land-side costs, their profits will increase and their tax contributions into the coffers of the Australian Government would also increase? Appa- rently not. How naïve we are to draw this conclusion, as DPW don’t pay tax.

If Queen Elizabeth Was Still Alive, She Would Be Describing Dpw As Horrible Anuses Who Have Had Anus Horribiles Whilst we aren’t in the habit of quoting the Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth’s quote about having a pretty f***ed up year, this could be how DPW management are currently describing 2023. And what a f***ed up year it’s been. This mob has been convicted and found guilty by the Industrial Magistrates Court of ripping off its Fremant- le workforce. The Industrial Magistrates Court have now posed fines of $24,900 on DPW as a “first offence”. Whilst it’s the first time they’ve been prosecuted, DPW have a long history of breaching the EBA. DPW’s excuse was that they got themselves a little bit confused by everything and it was simply a payroll error. Which is clearly bullshit as the Union spent several mon- ths trying to get DPW to cough up before we decided that we may as well just go ahead with a prosecution. To top it off, DPW have also been found guilty of stoo- ging FSE’s by cancelling them whilst a VSE was working – and then failed to count the shift as a shift work. Once again, we are asking the Court to impose the maximum $90K penalty on DPW to act as a deterrent. And there is more coming DPW’s way. This includes the Federal Court prosecution we have kicked off in respon- se to DPW stealing a week’s wages from every FSE in the country..

DPW ’ s Self Inflicted Mess: The Thieves Are Being Robbed by Thieves Whilst it would be easy to think that DPW’s incompetent management of their opera- tions are limited to industrial relations, it is clear that they are a shambles at every end of their business. Whilst DPW have made an art of stealing from its workforce, we now have a case of the thieves being robbed by thieves. DPW’s inept data security protocols have in- vited hackers into their business. At one sta- ge we thought DPW management had gone rogue and taken Protected Industrial Action against itself, judging from their actions in shutting down stevedoring operations in ear- ly-mid November. Days and days of self-imposed R&D bans due to the data breaches has meant that DPW has not only been screwing their workfor- ce, but they’ve completely screwed over the end users taking boxes out of their terminals around the country. But DPW’s war on the trucking companies is just getting started.

DPW Koala Bears Don ’ t Pay Tax DPW must clearly be a protected species, judging from their ability to get away with not paying a cent of tax in the past 8 years. Not bad if you can get away with it and we now know there is no chance of our members being able to evade the clutches of the taxman. But DPW have clearly recruited Chris- topher Skase’s accountants to help them with their tax arrangements. Dubai Ports Australian container terminals have not paid any tax in Australia for the last 8 years despite record profits on income of over $45 Billion. Interestingly, one of DPW’s self-styled big swinging dicks told bargaining reps in one of our bargaining meetings that DPW’s subsidiary companies are all getting a decent bite out of their Australian opera- tions. It would appear that DPW subsidiaries based in countries which pay little, or no tax are lending DPW monies at inflated interest rates so they can siphon the money back overseas without paying tax. There is a stench of transfer pricing going on – the same shit Chevron were busted for in 2017 when they had to pay $400 million of tax back to the ATO because of understated profits. Then again, it could be that DPW’s management are simply incompetent and haven’t generated a single cent of profit in 8 years, despite reaping in $4.5 Bi- llion of income during this period. The mind bog- gles about how incompetent they must be to get this type of result.

The MUA has zero tolerance for wage theft and bosses which engage in this activity should be thrown in jail.

The bookies have DPW on as up to their neck in good old fashioned tax avoidance.

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