MWF 007_Flipbook


Fugro still haven’t apologised for the near death of decommissioning crew as it was clearly just anoth- er day in the Fugro office.

Fugro will be caught short once again when we bang them into Fair Work.

Hydrographic Survey

It’s now smash up derby time for the Offshore Alli- ance lawyers as it’s clear that the Fugro bosses ei- ther don’t understand the Fair Work Act or believe they are above the law. The Offshore Alliance lawyers will be filing a Ma- jority Support Determination application in the FWC to ensure our Hydrographic Surveying mem- bers get the right to bargain and lock in improved employment terms and conditions. Pretty dumb stuff. Even by Fugro's standards. Fugro Australia, has resorted to grubby tactics in what will ultimately be a failed effort to prevent their Hydrographic Surveying workforce bargain for an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. Despite Fugro’s surveying workforces’ attempts to engage in a fair negotiation process, Fugro Austra- lia’s management has refused to commence bar- gaining with the Union.

Catering: "ESS MODU"

Offshore Production

The Offshore Alliance and Legeneering have reached agreement on the decommissioning rates for the Thevenard offshore decommission- ing workscopes which will see members lock in a $20 per hour uplift in the rates previously of- fered. Legeneering have taken a professional ap- proach in the discussions with the Union and have agreed to sign onto the Offshore Decom- missioning Industry Standard EBA as well as aligning all offshore maintenance rates and con- ditions with the Union negotiated EBA for the Woodside FPSO’s. Great work by our offshore decommissioning members in sticking tight with the union posi- tion to ensure we lock in industry standards. These negotiations demonstrate the ability of industrial parties to achieve mutually agreed outcomes without the ‘ smash em and bash em ’ ideology of so many of the HR bosses we deal with. Offshore Maintenance/ Decommissioning

Members of the Offshore Alliance working on ESS MODU facilities have overwhelmingly voted in support of a new Enterprise Bargaining Agree- ment (EBA). This EBA promises a 10% increase in compensation over the term of a 2-year agree- ment. The EBA is currently under review by the Fair Work Commission for approval. The Offshore Alliance has now successfully ne- gotiated Union EBAs with all key offshore drilling companies, manning agents, and catering con- tractors. The alliance remains vigilant in review- ing Baseline Agreements and will challenge any agreements that raise concerns.

The Offshore Alliance is gearing up for upcom- ing negotiations with Jadestone on the Montara FPSO. OA members working on the Montara have a long-standing history of solidarity when it comes to bargaining campaigns. Our members will never forget the turning around of a helicopter during our last Protected Action campaign with the real prospect of one of the Babcock choppers being permanently parked up on the Montara. This was done after the per- plexing decision of Jadestone’s former HR Boss Uncle Keith, to lock members out. This was a decision which was reversed short- ly after a chopper was turned around back to Truscott by the Offshore Alliance, after mem- bers took Employee Response Action. Standing strong and united has never been an issue for the Jadestone, Montara Offshore Alliance members which is why Years 1 and 2 of the current 2-year EBA has secured members a 12.1% increase in re- muneration. The Offshore Alliance looks forward to anoth- er bargaining campaign to build upon the out- comes which we secured back in May 2021.

The OA Fugro Surveying crew won’t be intimidat- ed by a mob of industrial troglodytes.

The Fugro bosses must be living in a bubble if they think the Offshore Alliance won’t take them on legally and industrially. They’ve clearly still got the shits about the Union’s condemnation of Fugro’s dodgy safety practices in the decommissioning of the Sinbad Platform where they nearly killed a number of our mem- bers.

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