MWF 007_Flipbook

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With environment & climate change on the horizon, the future of energy heading towards renewables, the fight is on to ensure a just transition for our members who earn their living from the hydrocarbon industry to decommissioning and renewable industries such as offshore wind. With preselection of candidates happening in 2024 for a 2025 state election that will more than likely reduce the size of Labor’s representation in parliament, the fight is on to safeguard the politicians that truly fight for everyday west Australians and the struggles of the working class.

These objectives are not trivial and will take effort to achieve, but they are too important for us to fail.

We need to also understand that our goals are different or even opposite to what other larger, more influential groups within this party want to achieve.

We are a small fish in this large political pond, and we are definitely making waves.

With such large battles facing us in the coming year, and our size and impact in the party being small com- pared to others, there is only one way to safeguard ourselves. We Need to Join Up! All members need to sign up to the Labor Party, giving us the strength to push harder and make our voices louder. Your membership matters! The cost is less than the money you put on that “sure thing” your mate recommended for the Melbourne Cup, the only difference is that you will see a better return in investment from the ALP than your mates “inside scoop”. Don’t get me wrong, we haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid and suddenly believe all the union’s problems will be solved politically. We are a militant union that fights industrially for its members. But any long-term members can remember the times we dropped the ball politically, refused to be involved in the process, allowing laws and policies to be moved that decimated our industry which we are still recovering from today. If you can help us by signing up, please reach out and contact Daniel Piccoli or the branch and we can get you signed up with as little hassle as possible. Every member counts.

The Road Ahead of Us in The Labor Party

The wins we have achieved politically this year are not to be taken lightly. They are a testament to MUA mem- bers’ commitment and dedication to the union movement.

However, we should not grow complacent or comfortable with our successes. There are still many battles ahead for us politically.

With both the strategic fleet nationally and coastal shipping task force in WA, the fight isn’t over until we see these initiatives realised and see Australian crewed vessels sailing our coastline.

With Westport taskforce releasing the next stage of their report to the government mid-2024, the fight is on to minimise the impact on our members and ensure well paid, union jobs continue on the waterfront for generations to come.

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