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Members shared with each other the struggles of their industries and helped the next generation to grow while having fun at the same time! This is just the start on the journey of building and growing the youth movement in the west. Watch this space and consider coming along to up- coming future youth events and meetings. Special thanks to: MUA WA Branch Kyle McGinn MLC For supporting youth members and their event.
The MUA WA Youth are starting to learn the power they hold and are developing their skills around campaigning. The target of their first campaign was to support our Queensland bro- thers and sisters in solidarity in their struggle to achieve liveable wages and conditions in the tou- rism industry.
WA Youth committee members were given an opportunity to travel to India and attend an ITF Youth conference. This conference allowed the young members to broaden their understanding of issues facing the union movement both locally and internationally. Julian Uchiyama-Lee (CBH) and Adam Shoeib (QUBE) both attended for WA and from all reports had an exceptional experience. These conferences are experiences of a lifetime. They will take these experiences and learnings back home with them to strengthen both their worksite, the youth move- ment and union as a whole.
Stay up to date with developments by following us on Instagram
Youth Meetings There was a great turn out of members at our re- cent Youth members meeting. The meeting was very productive with youth members discussing ideas, strategies, and setting the direction for 2024. 1 .St ructure Establishing a set date and meeting schedule for next year Social events Executive structure 2.Campaigns The WA Youth have been growing in leaps and bounds with rank-and-file youth members cam- paigning, growing local and international relations, increasing their knowledge in the union movement, and building the youth movement for the future
Darts Event Absolutely amazing turn out by the MUA WA Youth Members at the social event, Darts at the Pub! With around 35+ members attending. Youth members from all parts of our union from Stevedores and Se- afarers to Plant Operators, Maintenance and Divers, all came out to hang out and talk union.
Learnings from recent campaigns Future campaigns for the youth 3. Education
Developing youth focused training
With more targets in the crosshairs, watch this space as we continue to grow our campaigning skills and con- tinue to put some pressure on com- panies that want to hurt our members both locally and abroad.
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