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We are now in the process of organising to meet with Qube to commence discussions and the process to- ward the new agreement. Various correspondence has seen Qube drag its feet in getting to the table which is not unexpected from this outfit. We will run our own campaign to our strategy and just as the MUA through the Offshore Alliance has shown the global oil and gas majors – Qube cannot hide from having to sit and negotiate a decent outcome that properly rewards MUA members at Qube for the work they do in propping up Qube’s enormous prof- its and eye watering executive salaries.
In fact, this campaign began in September 2022 with the National Bulk and General Conference in Sydney which critically determined that a nationally coordi- nated campaign should frame this round of negoti- ations. This was reconfirmed at the National Qube Delegates Conference which was hosted by the WA Branch over 3 days in the second week of May ear- lier this year. This conference brought 60 Qube Del- egates and Officials into Fremantle for the week to put together the detailed campaign for the next Qube EA. This was a major step in putting the MUA and its membership in the best possible position to get the outcome our members deserve in the next Qube agreement. The conference was held in Fremantle because the Fremantle agreement, won through the historic 12- week strike in July 2021, is to be used as the basis for the next national Qube EA in conjunction with many of the key conditions of employment we already see in the Linx agreements. We developed a comprehen- sive Log of Claims and strategy and agreed on the national negotiating team for the next EA. It was also agreed that the national team will report back to the main Qube Conference group from Fremantle which will have the overall responsibility and leadership for the direction and rollout of the Qube EA campaign. The current national negotiating team is Warren Smith – National Assistant Secretary, Will Tracey – WA Branch Secretary, Robbie Lumsden – Victori- an Assistant Secretary, Vince Northfield – Delegate Queensland, Peter Benten – Delegate Port Kembla, Antonin Stonjek – Delegate Tasmania. The ground campaign really got going in July of this year with the first of a series of stop work meetings at all Qube sites around the country that began in New- castle and finished in October in Bunbury. Over the 4 months, the national negotiating team held meetings in 16 ports across the country with every meeting of Qube rank and file MUA members debating and en- dorsing the national strategy and plan as well as the national log of claims for the new Qube agreement.
Only a nationally coordinated and planned militant campaign will deliver these outcomes.
clauses and lift wages in a way that will address the crippling cost-of-living pressures confronting every working Australian. Claims that additionally address income protection, Drug and Alcohol Policy, super, long service leave, fatigue and work life balance are crucial to a good outcome in the next round. And, of course, there are a swag of grey areas that must be cleared up in the wording to prevent the piss-take we see day in and day out on the interpretation of our members entitlements. Just as the DP World EA campaign will confirm the gains made in the last Patrick EA and entrench the standards and conditions for MUA members across the Australian container terminals, the Qube EA will set the standard for Bulk and General workers across the maritime sector. As a result, the campaign for a new agreement at Qube is being closely watched and supported by our members at Linx and many of the other smaller bulk and general operators across the Australian waterfront. This is the key reason we have begun the campaign against this major employer on the Australian waterfront early
2023 saw the kick off for the Qube Enterprise Agree- ment (EA) campaign which will shape as one of two major stevedoring EA campaigns for the MUA across 2024. It will follow the hugely successful industry wide Offshore EA campaign and play out as the DP World EA campaign goes into full swing. Despite the fact that the agreement doesn’t expire until June 30 next year, we began the process early because of the sheer size of this company and its well known ag- gressive anti-union agenda in every area of its oper- ations across Australia. Earlier this year we saw this company lock out its RBTU rail workforce in Sydney as part of their campaign for a new EA and fresh in everyone’s mind is the long and hostile 12-week dis- pute in Fremantle in the second half of 2021. Qube is Australia’s largest logistics company, operates in over 20 ports across Australia and will set the Bulk and General stevedoring wages and conditions up for the next decade if we get this right. Especially with the key claims around the conditions and the wages which aim to address a heap of historical problems, bring some decency into the rostering and hours of work, resolve the allocation equity and fairness through key accountability
A strategy developed by Qube Delegates and Offi- cials and fully endorsed by Qube Rank and File Mem- bers will see Qube workers across the country finally get the dignity and respect they deserve. Now is the time that those who produce the profits that gener- ate Qube’s wealth get their share. Especially during this once in a lifetime cost of living crisis. If you don’t fight you lose!
Qube have finally paid our permanents in Fremantle the money they effectively stole off them during the 2021 Qube dispute in relation to asking workers to work for free when they went back through the gate in mid-October 2021 after the 12-week strike. The money was paid in the first week of November this year, exactly 2 years to the day since the issue was first raised with Qube in the conferences in Fair Work as we were finalising the new EA for Fremantle before the Fair Work Commission.
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