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As well as the obvious penalties that should and will flow from this flagrant and wilful conduct, the MUA has been prosecuting a position behind closed doors with Government, global companies and major institutional investors. The MUA is push- ing for forensic scrutiny of Qube’s conduct and the penalties that flow from such conduct after being found by the courts to have continued and signifi- cant breaches of Labour Agreements. Qube and its Directors being found by the courts to have reg- ularly and systematically breached labour agree- ments without remorse should face the following consequences: : An inability to tender for and win Govern- ment contracts and work that is financed in any way through Government funding : The inability to tender for and win Defence Contracts : A refusal by major international firms to award contracts to Qube, on the basis of their own global ESG policies that prevent working with companies that systematically breach Labour Agreements : Major institutional investors should review any investments that are made where there are connections with Qube or its Directors
There are plenty more to come with prosecutions being lined up for the following breaches of the enterprise agreement in various ports across the country as follows:
: Non-display and non-provision of data as required under the agreement : Insufficient ERC meetings held as required under the agreement : Incorrect start time advancements for staggered starts : Incorrect application of annual clothing issue : Incorrect travel payments being made for inter-port transfers • Incorrect application of shift extensions for 7 hours : Incorrect application of 5-hour shifts : Non-renewal of high-risk tickets in accor- dance with the EA : Incorrect application of Public Holiday/CPD payments
Prepare for an unforgettable experience surrounded by nature, camaraderie, and the comforts of a relaxing refurbished haven at the MUA Pt Peron camps.
Exciting news!
After a year-long hiatus due to a significant electrical issue, we are pleased to announce that the MUA Pt Per- on Camps are back in action and better than ever. With an ‘all hands on deck’ effort to resolve the problem, the camps have undergone a makeover to give a more comfortable experience for all MUA members. We have spared no effort in refurbishing the huts, equip- ping them with brand-new mattresses and addressing pest control concerns, ensuring welcoming and relaxed environment. Thanks to the outstanding work of the Pt Peron Committee Members during busy bees, the huts have had a general cleanup and ready for all those seeking a relaxed and enjoyable holiday stay. But the good news doesn’t stop there. With the help of Kyle McGinn MLC and local Rockingham member of Parliament Magenta Marshall, we are happy to ad- vise that we have secured a three-year lease, provid- ing peace of mind and stability for members. Looking ahead to 2024, negotiations will begin for a long-term lease, guaranteeing continued access to these beloved camps for years to come.
It is crystal clear that Qube are a chronic serial offender in relation to breaches of the EA and blatant wage theft.
It will only be when significant consequences flow from the continued breaches of their Enterprise Agreements that Qube’s behaviour will change. And that change couldn’t come soon enough.
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