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MUA WA BRANCH URGE YOU TO ON NEW SVITZER EBA New Svitzer EBA sent to Svitzer workers on Wednesday should be opposed The WA Branch of the MUA are urging all Svitzer workers to VOTE NO to the new Svitzer EBA. The process to get to the tabling of the new agreement has been widely criticized by all Unions and all delegates but it is the content of some key clauses that are the main concern. The key reason they are of concern is that Maersk, at a global level, have made it clear they are selling the Svitzer business. An inability for Svitzer to be able to grow the revenue stream to make the business an attractive asset for sale means that the only way that can make the business attractive is to strip costs. And this current agreement gives Svitzer the legal basis to do just that. The WA Branch is encouraging all Svitzer workers to VOTE NO to the EBA that gives Svitzer the right to strip back wages and conditions or contract their jobs out.
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The following clauses are reason alone to oppose the new Svitzer EBA:
The dispute settlement procedure only allows disputes about matters arising under the agreement or in relation to the NES. It cannot deal with any other disputes that may arise in any normal working day – which is the majority of disputes that arise on the job. Clause 10. – Continuity of Operations and Dispute Resolution Procedure (Specifically Clause 10.1) These 2 clauses allow Svitzer the ability to change the rosters, hours of work and introduce captivity “if circumstances affecting the business, either across the board or in a particular port will lead to a reduction, cessation or growth of port business” if FWA thinks it is reasonable and then change salaries as a result. Clause 13. – Reduction, Cessation or Growth in Business (Specifically Clauses 13.2 and 13.3)
Contact Chris Richards, Relationship Manager on 0418 421 789, email crichards@unitybank.com.au or go to unitybank.com.au
Clause 14A. – Outsourcing
This clause allows Svitzer to outsource your jobs as long as they inform you they are doing so in accordance with the consultation requirements in Clause 11.
*Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. 1. For loans contracted after 13.09.2021. 2. Subject to bank approval and only during ‘protected industrial action’ under Fair Work Act, 2009 (Cth) Interest accrues and is capitalised during repayment deferral period. 3. Other fees and charges may apply and will be specified at the time the loan is approved.4. Part of the Government’s Home Guarantee Scheme where Government guarantees up to 15% of the value of the property for First Home Guarantee and up to 18% of the value of the property for Family Home Guarantee. Unity Bank is authorised to offer the Scheme in conjunction with its First Home Buyer Advantage Plus loan. The Guarantees are not cash payments or deposits for your home loan. 5. Scheme eligibility criteria, and property price caps apply. 6. Up to $10,000 personal loan for recognised industrial action or community calamity. Available at the discretion of the bank and subject to approval. Unity Bank Limited. | ABN 11 087 650 315 | AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 240399.
Clause 40.3 – Variations of Port Operating Procedures
This clause allows Svitzer to change POP’s (and removes the reciprocal right of the Unions to do so) and has included a specific qualification on the protections of Fair Work to oppose any change to POP’s by ensuring that the FWA decision making process “will also have regard to the effect of changes on reducing the risk of the Company exiting the Port(s).”
Other General Clauses of Concern
There are other clauses that should be looked at more closely because of the change to current long- standing practices and in no particular order they include:
- The issue of move from PPT to Permanent (Clause 15.3) - The recruitment process (Clause 16.2) - Lack of clarity about the protection of the employment of IR’s in IR ports (Clause 16.3)
This EBA gives too much power to Svitzer to strip back wages and conditions and contract out your job in an environment where they will seek to cut the costs out of the company to prepare it for sale. We cannot vote up an agreement that will give them the legal tool to do so.
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