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When the Offshore Alliance kicked off in Octo- ber 2018, the industrial landscape for oil and gas workers was barren. The industry was plagued by Baseline Agreements negotiated by no-one other than sleazy HR bosses and a couple of their syco- phant mates, and meaningless common law con- tracts which were written by employers for the be- nefit of employers. 5 years on, the Offshore Alliance has 3,000 financial members and 65 registered Enterprise Agreements and are currently bargaining a further 25 EBA ’ s.
The idea of workers having representation or the ability to push back against the interests of multina- tional oil and gas companies was fought every inch of the way by HR bosses who have spent decades de-unionizing their workplaces. But whilst the Offshore Alliance still has plenty of work in front of us to spread EBA’s to every con- tractor and operator in the oil and gas sector, we have broken the back of the oil and gas majors and are on track to restoring the industrial balance in an industry that has controlled its workforce through institutionalised corporate bullying of its workforce.
After members voted 98% in favour of taking Protected Industrial Action so we could jam up the NRC Platform during the Turnaround, Woodside made the pragmatic decision to agree to our key bargaining claims. The new Woodside EBA is now the standard which we want all Tier 1 operators to meet over the course of future bargaining campaigns. The new EBA delivers Offshore Alliance members the following outcomes:
Offshore Alliance Secure the Best EBA in the Country with the Woodside Platform EBA
Our battle with Woodside for an EBA to cover mem- bers on the North Rankin, Goodwyn and Angel Pla- tforms involved struggle on the job and a battle in the court room. Just securing the right to bargain was a challenge. Woodside spent $2 million in 13 failed legal challen- ges and delay tactics to try and prevent their Plat- form workforce bargaining for an EBA. Through the work of our National Legal Officer and external Ba- rrister, the Offshore Alliance knocked off the army of Woodside lawyers and Senior Counsel and secured the right to bargain.
Offshore Alliance members have taken more Protec- ted Industrial Action per capita during this period than any other industry in this country – and it has been for good reason. The industrial battles we have had with the big and oil gas companies has been with corporations who thought they owned their workforce.
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