2022 System Operator Conference #1

Speaker Biographies

Pat Everly - OES-NA, LLC Pat Everly is the president of OES-NA, LLC, which is a training-consultant company. He has over 40 years serving many roles in the electric industry. Pat started his career with Philadelphia Electric Company and spent 11 years in nuclear and fossil generation. Upon leaving PECO, Pat moved on to the PJM Interconnection as a System Operator and eventually the Operations Training Supervisor. Pat left PJM in 2001 to fill the newly created NERC Certification Manager position. In this role, he was responsible for the administrative duties for the NERC, WECC, and PJM certification programs. In 2003, he resigned his position at NERC to start OES-NA. Pat has previously served system operators as: Vice Chair - NERC Examination Working Group, Vice-president and Treasurer for APDA – Northeast Area, and is currently the Chair for the IEEE Working Group for System Operator Training. Pat has been a guest speaker at previous Short Courses, American Power Dispatcher Association Meetings, the IEEE and various Regional seminars around North America

Matthew Duncan - E-ISAC Mr. Duncan manages the E-ISAC Intelligence Group, whose mission is to inform industry security decision makers. The Intelligence Group includes the Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing Program (CRISP), operational partnership coordination with the U.S. and Canadian governments, and the Cyber Threat Intelligence Team. Prior to the E-ISAC, Mr. Duncan was a Program Manager at the U.S. Department of Energy, managing sector specific agency and state government outreach. Other previous roles include: Deputy U.S. Political Officer at the Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan; a strategic Policy Analyst at the Pentagon; and a Research Assistant for a U.S. Attorney. Mr. Duncan holds a GIAC Global Critical Infrastructure Protection Certificate, a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, and a Bachelor’s degree from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.

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