TOVP MARATHON 2026 One Goal | One Seva | One Mission
FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGNS AT-A-GLANCE The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) is one of the future Wonders of the World. It is the largest Vedic temple in modern history, and the only temple to include a full-fledged planetarium and science Wing to explain Vedic cosmology and science in modern terms. The TOVP has been predicted by visiting priests from the famous Sri Venkateswara Temple of Tirupati in South India, which attracts 24 million pilgrims annually, to become the ‘Tirupati of the East’. The anticipated numbers from data sources predict 60 million visitors a year! That’s ten times the current annual visitors to ISKCON Mayapur. The project has many unique and inspiring sponsorship options for Vaishnavas of all backgrounds to fit every level of interest, financial capacity and devotion. This brochure is organized in such a way as to present these seva opportunities in categories based on the above factors. We hope you will join us in this historic endeavor to maintain and expand Sanatan Dharma in a world devastated and degraded by sinful activities of all sorts, ignorance of the values and purpose of human life, and a departure from the Vedic standards of our shastras, saints and acharyas of bygone ages. Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita “If you save dharma, dharma will save you”
Ambarisa Das - TOVP Chairman Braja Vilasa Das - TOVP Vice Chairman
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