Smart Kids 2025 NZ




MOON DOGS SERIES 1, 2, 3 & EXTRAS Set 1 (8 books) consolidates letter/sound correspondences of the alphabet at CVC level. Book 1: s a t i m; 2: n o p; 3: b c g h; 4: d e f v; 5: k l r u; 6: j w z; 7: x y ff ll ss zz; 8: CVC Set 2 (8 books) adds adjacent consonants and consonant digraphs. Book 1: CVC; 2: VCC, CVCC; 3: CCVC 4: CCVCC; 5: ch; 6: sh; 7: th, ng; 8: ck, qu Set 3 (8 books) includes first vowel spellings and two spellings for a vowel sound. Book 1: ai, ay, 2: ee, ea; 3: oa, ow; 4: ur, ir; 5: e, ea; 6: ow, ou; 7: oo, ue; 8: igh, i;9: oo, oul; 10: or, aw; 11: oy, oi; 12: ar, a; 13: air, are; 14: ear, eer Extras (24 books) consolidates letter/sound correspondences of the alphabet at CVC level. Book 1a, 1b, 1c: s a t i m; 2a, 2b, 2c: n o p; 3a, 3b, 3c: b c g h; 4a, 4b, 4c: d e f v; 5a, 5b, 5c: k l r u; 6a, 6b, 6c: j w z; 7a, 7b, 7c: x y ff ll ss zz; 8a, 8b, 8c: CVC MD1 Moon Dogs Series Set 1 (6 pages per book)............................... $49.90 MD2 Moon Dogs Series Set 2 (6 pages per book)............................ $49.90 MD3 Moon Dogs Series Set 3 (6 pages per book)............................. $79.90 MDX1 Moon Dogs Series Extras (6 pages per book)........................ $114.90



MOON DOGS WORKBOOKS Complements the stories of the Moon Dogs Series and follows the same phonic progression. Set 1, 2 & Extras offers activities for word building, reading, spelling and comprehension work based on the characters and events in the stories. (100 pages). Set 3 contains word-building, reading, comprehension, grammar and vocabulary exercises. WMD1 Moon Dogs Set 1 Workbook (100 pages)................................. $44.90 WMD2 Moon Dogs Set 2 Workbook (100 pages)............................... $44.90 WMD3 Moon Dogs Set 3 Workbook (200 pages)................................ $76.90 WMDX1 Moon Dogs Extras Workbook (200 pages) ��������������������������� $76.90


Catch-up Reader Smart Buys visit our website to see prices


ISLAND ADVENTURE Ten books introducing alternative vowel spellings. Book 1: ‘ae’: ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey; 2: ‘ee’: ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei; 3: ‘oe’: ow, oa, oe, o-e, o; 4: ‘er’: , er, ir, ur,or, ear; 5: ‘ow’ ‘oi’: ow, ou & oi, oy; 6: ‘oo’: oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u; 7: ‘ie’: igh, ie, i-e, i, y; 8: ‘or’:or, ore, a, aw, awe, au, ar, al, ough; 9: ‘air’: air, are, ear, ere, eir; 10: ‘ar’: ar, a, al, au, ear IS1 Island Adventure (10 Books) ............................................................... $99.90 IS2 Island Adventure Workbook (190 pages) ������������������������������������ $76.90

RESCUE SERIES Ideal for older, catch-up readers! This series of 10 books introduces more alternative spellings for vowel sounds. Each title has 16 pages in full colour, with exciting and motivating stories and illustrations. Target phonemes: ‘ae’, ‘ee’, ‘oe’, ‘er’, ‘ow’/‘oi’, ‘oo’, ‘ie’, ‘or’, ‘air’ and ‘ar’. RE1 Rescue Series (10 books / 16 pages per book) . ....................................... $99.90 RE2 Rescue Series Workbook (174 pages) ������������������������������������������� $76.90


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