Smart Kids 2025 NZ

6 PERSONAL & EMOTIONAL SKILLS BOARD GAMES Designed to help develop children’s self-awareness, empathy, social skills, motivation and coping strategies in a vibrant, enjoyable format. These fun games teach essentials every child needs for learning and life. All Ages • Ideal for family support and discussion of often tricky issues. • Bullying game deals with topical mobile phone and online bullying scenarios. • 6 games (420mm x 297mm). • 24 counters, die and Keeping Calm tip sheet.

Keeping Calm


Getting On

PS03 ���������������������������������������������������$49.50

Going for Goals

Say NO to Bullying including cyber bullying

Good To Be Me

JENNY MOSLEY’S GOLDEN RULES STORY BOOK PACK This set of beautifully illustrated books concentrates on the universal moral values of the Golden Rules. Each book deals with one rule and follows the classroom activities of Mrs Beanie’s class. • 6 books (148mm x 210mm). LP11 . ������������������������������������������������������ $79.90

BRAIN BREAKS DIRECTORY When your class needs to refocus their prefrontal cortex it’s time for a brain break. Choose one of the 18 stimulating energising activities or one of the 18 quiet calming ones. • 36 activities with different durations, ranging from a snappy 30 seconds to a more intensive 5 minutes. • Focus attention and make a positive impact on emotional states and learning. • Refresh thinking and help discover another solution to a problem. BB13������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $29.90


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