Smart Kids 2025 NZ

BURIED TREASURE Work out whether words on the gold coins are real or nonsense. Real words are placed onto the treasure chest and nonsense words are placed onto the dustbin. • 20 word coins (50mm diameter), 1 treasure chest (200mm x 210mm), 1 bin (205mm x 155mm).

LT29 Phase 2 Buried Treasure................. $28.50 LT30 Phase 3 Buried Treasure................ $28.50 LT31 Phase 4 Buried Treasure................. $28.50

PICTURE SENTENCE MATCHING Extend pupils' reading skills with these fully decodable sentences. Each boxed set of 10 puzzle pairs are self- correcting, allowing children to work independently. Read and decode the sentence before finding the correct picture to match it to. • Each boxed set measures 260mm x 205mm and contains 10 puzzles, with only the correct pairs fitting together. LT20 Phase 3 Set 1��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $28.50 LT21 Phase 3 Set 2 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $28.50 LT22 Phase 4 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $28.50

SMART BALLS Have fun and get active whilst

PHOTOCOPY PAGES! LT62 Phase 2 Phoneme Ball (orange) ................ $12.90 LT63 Phase 3 Phoneme Ball (purple) ................. $12.90 LT64 Phase 4 Phoneme Ball (green) .................. $12.90 LT65 Phase 5 Phoneme Ball (plum) . ............. $12.90 SB39 Set of 4 Phoneme Balls..................... $57.90 LT66 Phase 2 Ball (orange) ��������������������� $12.90 LT67 Phase 3 Ball (dark purple)........... $12.90 LT68 Phase 4 Ball (green)........................ $12.90 LT69 Phase 5 Ball (light purple)............... $12.90 SB40 4 x Word Balls................................... $57.90 30 DAYS’ sounding out phonemes and reading high frequency words learnt in Phases 2-5. Say the sound or word under your hand as you catch the ball. • 300mm diameter when inflated.






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