Smart Kids 2025 NZ

dis SYLLABIFICATION This game is an exciting way to build vocabulary and discover that many large words in English are made up of prefixes, suffixes and root words. • 4mm thick tiles (50mm x 25mm) • 40 x Black Root Tiles • 30 x Green Prefix Tiles • 30 x Red Suffix Tiles • Tiles compatible with Encode tiles. L25 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $39.90 thought joy

44 SOUNDS DESKTOP & WALL CHART Here is a stunning tool to teach the 44 sounds that make up every spoken word in the English language. Demonstrates how a variety of spelling patterns are used to represent each of these sounds. Ages 5+ • Available as a desktop chart or wall chart. • Double sided with picture clues on the reverse. 00 P14 Wall Chart (840mm x 1190mm)������������������������������������������������ $29.90 SB15 Set of 3 Wall Charts (Get 1 FREE)............................................. $58.00 P15 Desktop Chart (210mm x 297mm)���������������������������������������������� $3.00 SB16 Set of 6 Desktop Charts....................................................... $15.00

44 SOUNDS / ALTERNATIVE SPELLINGS CARDS This beautiful range of photographic, double-sided cards provides mnemonics for all the key letter-sounds of English (e.g. the grapheme igh on one side and a photograph of a light on the reverse). This set covers the 44 Sounds of the English language taught at Phase 2 and 3 of the Letters and Sounds


programme and the alternative graphemes of these sounds learnt at Phase 4 and 5. • Contains 152 double-sided laminated cards. • Each card measures 110mm x 110mm. LT167������������������������ $49.90


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