Smart Kids 2025 NZ

NON-FICTION WRITING DIRECTORY Everything you need to know about planning, writing and editing non-fiction texts. Covers explanation texts, reports, discussion texts, persuasive texts, recounts and instructional texts. 18 pages (160mm x 220mm). Ages 7+ W06 Non-Fiction Directory (A5 student size) ��������������������������������������������������������������������� $29.90 W16 Non-Fiction Directory (A3 demonstartor size)������������������������������������������������������������ $29.90


Our incredible directory uses vibrant illustrations and essential writing tips to give students advice on narrative and genre structure, story planning and language features, as well as guidance on editing. With this revolutionary aid that covers the different writing genres, there is no limit to the imaginative writing your pupils will produce. Sets out writing success criteria in

an inspiring, visual way. Ages 7+ • 18 pages (160mm x 220mm).

W07 Narrative Directory (A5 Size) ���������������� $29.90 W17 Narrative Directory (A3 Size)���������������� $29.90

POETRY DIRECTORY An excellent reference and guide to learning about and writing poetry. The fun illustrated pages give guidance on form, features, styles, structure and writing tips for 18 different poetry styles. Ages 7+ W08 Poetry Directory (A5 Size)............ $19.50 W18 Poetry Directory (A3 Size)��������� $24.90


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