Vision 2024 07 10




help us get where we want to be right now.” The Nationals are fresh off their most successful campaign in quite some time. Led by Pereira instilling a new culture and a system that everyone in the organization, on the ice and off the ice personnel, bought into. And the results were there. The team made the CCHL playoffs, and even won their first-round matchup against the Renfrew Wolves. The team’s quest for Bogart Cup came a halt after a second-round loss to the Navan Grads. Despite the loss, Pereria said he was thril- led with what the team was able to achieve, and it was a special time to be part of a community that was enjoying playoff hockey for the first time in a long time. And now, he believes he has a winning team that can take that next step.

the Nationals said in a release posted to Facebook on July 5. Last season, Dagenais split time with the Canadians and the Ottawa Junior A Senators. He played 15 games with the Sens, amas- sing two goals and six assists. In his short stint with Carleton Place, Dagenais tallied three goals and one assist in 14 games. Days after the trade with the Canadians was complete, Nationals head coach Justin Pereira said the Nats newest addition is a great fit for the organization and is the type of player that will help Rockland have a shot at competing for the CCHL championship. “He brings great energy to the ice, brings some grit and can score goals,” said Pereira. “Any time you can make this kind of trade for a player like that, I think it’s a great addition to our club. This is the kind of player that will

It’s been a busy offseason for the Rockland Nationals organization, as the junior A hockey club looks to build on what was a promising 2023-2024 season. The team has seen some fresh faces, both on the ice and behind the bench, as the Nats hope to take the next step towards becoming a contender for the Bogart Cup. The club made a splash recently, sen- ding prospects Ricky Wilson, Justin Brown and Kian Gauthier to the Carleton Place Canadians in exchange for forward Ryder Dagenais. “We would like to wish all three players the best of luck with their new organization,”


Les Nationals de Rockland ont envoyé trois espoirs aux Canadiens de Carleton Place en échange de l’attaquant Ryder Dagenais. (Photo fournie) “There’s no rest for me as a coach,” said Pereira. “We are always looking at how we can get better, and our general manager has done a good job of stock piling prospects. Our future looks good, too.” LE CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE A INFLUÉ SUR LA VAGUE DE CHALEUR RECORD DANS L’EST DU PAYS Une nouvelle analyse, première en son genre, indique que la vague de chaleur record qui a touché l'est du Canada le mois dernier a été rendue bien plus probable en raison du changement cli- matique d'origine humaine. JORDAN OMSTEAD La Presse Canadienne Environnement et Changement climatique Canada affirme que les résultats de son analyse rapide de la vague de chaleur de la mi-juin dans certaines parties de l'Ontario, du Québec et du Canada atlantique montrent qu'elle est devenue deux à dix fois plus pro- bable en raison du changement climatique. Il s'agit du lancement public du nouveau projet pilote canadien d'attribution rapide d'événements météorologiques extrêmes, qui, selon les responsables, peut déterminer si et dans quelle mesure le changement cli- matique a rendu plus probable un événement de chaleur spécifique. Environnement et Changement clima- tique Canada est considéré comme l'un des premiers bureaux gouvernementaux au monde à déployer publiquement un outil d'attribution rapide et à l'appliquer automa- tiquement dans tout le pays, les résultats étant préparés en quelques jours. Les responsables fédéraux déclarent qu'ils envisagent à terme d'appliquer le CONTINUER SUR LA PAGE 6


We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the amount of $5,345.33 received from your store and its employees as part of the recent spring campaign against hunger. This contribution to the Rockland Help Center follows many years of donations to our food bank, helping families in need in our community with food and clothing. Additionally, your Walmart Super Store donates non- perishable food items and various products to us every month. Nous souhaitons vous exprimer notre plus sincère gratitude pour le montant de 5 345,33 $ reçu de votre magasin et de ses employés dans le cadre de la récente campagne printanière de lutte contre la faim. Cette contribution au Centre d’aide de Rockland fait suite à de nombreuses années de dons à notre banque alimentaire, aidant ainsi les familles dans le besoin de notre communauté avec de la nourriture et des vêtements. De plus, votre Super Store Walmart nous fait des dons chaque mois de produits alimentaires non périssables et de divers articles. In the photo: Mr.Gord McLean,General Manager; Nicole Gaul,V.P.RHC; Sonieh Monem,Customer Service Manager; Julia Smith-Gingras, Food Department Manager; André Perras, President of the Rockland Help Center. Sur la photo : M. Gord McLean, Directeur Général; Nicole Gaul, V.P. RHC; Sonieh Monem, Gestionnaire du service à la clientèle; Julia Smith-Gingras, Gestionnaire du département alimentaire; André Perras, Président du Centre d’aide Rockland.


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