The Exchange Newsletter Issue 2, 2022

No Matter What

Compassion and determination help patient access treatment and resources

Judy Rodriguez, Patient Care Coordinator.

“Lisa also mentioned that she recently lost her important documents, belongings and her entire home due to damage,” said Judy. “I didn’t want her to have to wait any longer than she already had to, so I recommended she apply for Medicaid to jump start the acceptance process for the assistance program.” Patients who are considered to be low-income, or are the only person in their household, oftentimes have to apply for Medicaid and be denied in order to be eligible for the assistance program for Epclusa. Without a denial letter, the wait time can increase and treatment can be delayed. Judy referred Lisa to the OneWorld Marketplace for help with her Medicaid application. A few weeks later, Judy received a phone call from Lisa.

At the OneWorld Pharmacy, Patient Care Coordinators, including Judy Rodriguez, dedicate their days to helping uninsured patients apply for programs to afford prescriptions that would be unattainable for many patients due to the high cost. Oftentimes high-cost medications are for illnesses that are life threatening without treatment. “When I first met with Lisa, she had recently been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and was prescribed Epclusa for treatment,” said Judy. Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus that can cause inflammation of the liver and sometimes severe liver damage. Without insurance, Epclusa costs around $30,000 per month, with the average treatment being three months long.

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