The Alleynian 712 2024

Polli (Year 12) joined the Big Band as the singer and gave characterful versions of ‘Mack the Knife’ and ‘New York, New York’ to a very appreciative audience. After much cheering and applause, the band closed the concert with ‘I Wish’ by Stevie Wonder and ‘Watermelon Man’ by Her- bie Hancock. Will Carter (Year 12) on drums wowed the audience with an extended improvised solo. SOUTH EAST SCHOOLS CHAMBER MUSIC COMPETITION LESLEY LARKUM, HEAD OF STRINGS Four chamber music groups from Dulwich College showcased their talent at the South East Schools Cham- ber Music Competition held at Putney High School. The day featured an array of exceptional performances from schools throughout London and beyond, each highlight- ing the musical prowess and dedication of the pupils involved. The event commenced with a captivating rendition of Brahms’ Horn Trio by one of the Dulwich College cham- ber groups, comprising Rory Gurney (Year 12) on horn, James Pinon-Williams (Year 11) on violin, and Perkyns Ho (Year 11) playing the piano. They delivered a mem- orable performance of this most famous work, and were commended by the adjudicator for their individual instrumental skills and the level of musical excellence they displayed. Later in the afternoon, three more groups from Dulwich College took part. A Year 12 trio, comprising Nikolas Vra- himis on violin, Zach Seymour on cello and Elliot Coulson on piano, performed a stirring interpretation of the first movement of Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio in D minor. They were followed by an excellent rendition of the ‘Libertan- go’ from Piazzolla’s Piano Trio for violin, flute and piano, featuring William Harper (Year 12), Marcus Ng (Year 10) and Ari Guichard (Year 11). Their performance demon- strated an intuitive understanding of the nuances and style of Piazzolla’s compositions. The final performance of the day was the Oboe Quartet by Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, showcasing the talents of Nathan Ikechukwu Daniel (Year 10), Jovian Yan (Year 12), Geremia Gover (Year 12) and Vincent Liu (Year 12). Their ensemble, comprising oboe, violin, cello and piano, delivered a creative and interesting interpretation of this

unusual Baroque work, and the adjudicator was full of praise for their efforts. All four groups exhibited real musicality and commitment, and were warmly praised by the adjudicator. Their perfor- mances were a testament to their hard work and passion for music, as well as the wonderful level of music-making going on at Dulwich College.


It has been another productive year for the musicians in the College with over 185 students sitting a music exam with either the ABRSM or Trinity exam boards, and 54 of these students achieving a Distinction result. An impres- sive 14 students achieved a Distinction at Grade 8, with the highest scores of the year going to Nathan Ikechukwu Daniel (145/150, Year 10) and Arjun Deshpande (144/150, now OA). Three students earned their ARSM (Associate of the Royal Schools of Music), all achieving a Distinction. Many congratulations to all of the students for their hard work and success. ◉ GRADE 8 DISTINCTIONS Thomas Barnett yr 13 piano 131 William Barter-Sheppard yr 13 singing 131 Arjun Deshpande OA alto sax. 144 Geremia Gover yr 12 cello 132 Nathan Ikechukwu Daniel yr 10 oboe 145 Nathan Ikechukwu Daniel yr 10 piano 133 Henry Money yr 10 violin 135 Oscar Pelly OA drum kit 95/100 Bertie Poullis yr 12 singing 135 Thomas Purvis yr 12 piano 136 Zachary Seymour yr 12 cello 130 Brooke Storey OA singing 130 Brooke Storey OA piano 140 Nikolas Vrahimis yr 12 singing 130 ARSM RESULTS Felix Patten OA piano 47/50 Vincent Liu yr 12 piano 45/50 Elliot Coulson yr 12 piano 45/50


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