The Alleynian 712 2024

L ast summer, Eddie Loodmer-Elliott and I steered the students through a thought-provoking production of Vivienne Franzmann’s The It. This darkly comic zeit- geist play, written specifically for young people, brilliantly explores adolescent mental health and the rage within. Throughout the intensive three-day rehearsal period, the ensemble, led by Bethal Samson in the central role of Grace, embraced the material with fervour, crafting mesmerising visual movement pieces and pushing the boundaries of staging innovation. The synergy between Dulwich and JAGS students was a testament to their maturity and creative ingenuity. The ensemble work was nothing short of outstanding; notable performances came from Freya Turner-Webster and Frankie Words- ley in particular, who delivered mature and compelling performances that etched themselves into the collective memory of the audience. Charlie Johnson and Henry Findlay offered nuanced characterisations, focus and seamless interaction, which helped elevate the produc- tion to new heights and left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of experiencing it. The audience was not only moved but also deeply impressed by the raw energy of the performers, which lingered in the mind long after the curtain fell. Put together in just three (very hot!) days, the piece was beautiful to watch and gave us plenty to think about. The performance showcased the terrific collaboration and skill-sharing that went on in the rehearsal room, so impor- tant for the many who will be going on to create their own work at GCSE and beyond. ◉ The Year 9 scratch production has become a feature in the Dulwich/JAGS Drama calendar, affording the opportunity for theatrical collaboration writes Mark Wignall THE IT



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