The Alleynian 712 2024

the athletes should be proud of their efforts throughout the competition and hungry for more action as they re-en- ter the competition in 2024. The season finished in spectacular style at the Outdoor Simmonds Cup. The standard of the competition was exceptionally high. The Dulwich team, however, rose to the occasion producing some exceptional performances throughout the day. The boys’ efforts were well rewarded, with the Year 8 and Year 9 teams winning their respective competitions and the Year 7 and Year 10 teams coming second. Dulwich were crowned the overall winners, pip- ping Whitgift by 6 points to claim the Simmonds Cup for the first time since 2011. As an added bonus, the Year 9 4x100m relay team (featuring Freddie Pickering, Marly Amarteifio, William Oakley-White and Seth Ridgeon) set a new College re- cord, with a time of 47.86s, beating the previous record, which had stood since 1997. This was a fantastic way to close the season and a huge achievement by all of those involved – testament to their hard work and commitment throughout the year. Following performances at the Southwark Schools Cham- pionship, a number of boys were selected to represent Southwark at the London Schools Track and Field Cham- pionships in May. It was wonderful to see so many pupils

from Dulwich representing the borough and competing to such a high standard. Congratulations to all of those selected, but special mention to those listed below, who medalled in their events.I would also like to say a huge congratulations to the boys listed below who were select- ed to represent the London team at the English Schools National Final in Birmingham. It is a huge achievement and an experience that should live long in the memory of all of those involved.

Michael Ijeh – shot Freddie Pickering – 80m hurdles Caspian Holmes – 1500m Alex Wilson – 3000m

It has been superb to see the track teeming with boys after school every day and it is this team culture that has allowed several individuals to push on to achieve excellence. ◉ BADMINTON The 2023 – 24 season began with the now well- established OA match, which this year saw 15 OAs return- ing to compete against our Upper School players. It was very pleasing, as always, to see how many are continuing



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