The Alleynian 712 2024

The next two days featured a day each of giant slalom and slalom racing on the unforgiving ‘Dromedary’ race piste, for those racing in the Canada Cup, and the in- aptly named ‘Tranquilizer’, for those racing in the Can- ada Challenge. Brutal conditions on Dromedary made for some incredibly tough race days, so we were over the moon with the courage and commitment our racers offered, with some fantastic skiing. This emphasizes just what an achievement it was for Thomas Watson (Year 10) to bring home both the U16 giant slalom and slalom silver medals. In the Canada Challenge we were delight- ed with a clean sweep in the U14 slalom, with Alex Fife (Year 7) winning bronze, James Weir (Year 9) silver and Patrick Jaques (Year 7) gold. This year we tailed the camp with two more days of training in order to iron out the creases identified in race runs. It would have been easy for the boys to switch off after race days but they demonstrated true Alleynian determination to right some wrongs in preparation for the National Championships in Wengen. An essential element of the Canada Cup trip is the annual Staff v Senior Pupils Curling Championships. It goes without saying that the staff team again reigned victorious in 2023!


Indoors we enjoyed some fantastic results again this season, and look forward to extending this run in our Summer term races. Of the two sets of league races in Michaelmas term, our highlight was definitely the National Schools Indoor Championships at Hemel Snow Centre. Out of 13 competing schools, our A team enjoyed second place, our B team fourth, our C team sixth and D team twelfth. We were also the only school to have four teams racing. THE CANADA CUP In December, 30 pupils and four staff set out for our annual ski racing camp in Jasper, Canada. After a day each of giant slalom and slalom training, we got the racing underway with the Dual Slalom. With six teams of five athletes representing Dulwich, we were delighted that we made both the Cup and Plate finals. While Dulwich 1 were beaten by Reeds 1 in the Cup Final and Dulwich 4 beaten by Harrow 2 in the Plate Final, we were delighted to close day one with two team silver medals.



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