The Alleynian 712 2024

Knowing this, we decided to stay in the games room to play riveting games of pool until we were dragged out by Miss Goldsack at around ten. Boarding the coach to the airport after only a few hours, it was apparent who had slept and who hadn’t. Funnily enough it was our coach driver’s birthday, so we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ with many drifting off to sleep before the end of the song. I want to extend my gratitude to Mrs Smalley for her careful and attentive planning of such a varied and brilliant trip. My thanks also go to the teachers who gave up their time to oversee and aid with the trip’s success: Miss Goldsack, Mr Minter and Mr Rowney. The trip was undoubtedly a success, giving me and my peers all very fond memories and pictures to cherish for a lifetime. ◉

stunning. After a day full of travelling, and with bags under our eyes, we hauled ourselves back to the hotel in time for a swift dinner and early night. We arose in the morning thinking of the Secret Lagoon only a few hours away. We excitedly got ready, packing our trunks and towels with pace. When we arrived, we wasted no time as we promptly changed and ran out to the pool. After running through the freezing air, we were rewarded with an angelic lagoon heated to around 40 degrees. After a heavenly hour in the lagoon, we departed to Iceland’s largest tomato greenhouse. After a quick tour, we tried succulent tomatoes, along with a buffet of deli- cious tomato soup. We then boarded the coach again to travel to Thingvellir National Park where we admired the scenic landscape of the island and bade farewell to our fantastic tour guide. We returned to the hotel, depressed that our trip was coming to an end, and also because we would be leaving the hotel at 2 am the next morning.



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