The Alleynian 712 2024

the Marina Bay Sands Sky Park were particularly memo- rable; a boat appears to float across the top of the three towers in the latter. After a packed lunch at the Merlion statue, we continued to the National Gallery. Over the next few days, I went on the applied arts course and came home with many different memories. The jewellery workshop was by far my favourite. The intricate science took me by surprise, and by the end, I had had a few laughs and produced a special ring with a silver pendant of my own design. We also had the opportunity to create eco-friendly jesmonite lamps with copper pipes with the local design duo ‘Concrete Everything’. It was hard to fit the lamp in my suitcase, but it now sits on my desk at my house. The next day was packed with stitching and cutting for Lisa Teng’s shoe-making workshop. We chose our leather colour and started from scratch, and now I have a skill that I hope I won’t forget. Everyone on the course was fantastic, and I made many new friends. The overall experience was completely amazing, and it left me with many lasting memories.


The Dulwich Art Olympiad was a showcase of the talent and creativity within the Dulwich schools across the world. There were many exhilarating activities on offer, including photo walks, talks from Singaporean artists, and workshops allowing us to discover new techniques and styles of art. The Olympiad started with a photography masterclass where we had to use the architectural design elements of the school to create a word. We learned new techniques to enhance our photography skills, including where to place the main subjects, and tips on editing our photos. We also had a workshop with the Singaporean artist group ‘Ripple Root’. In their paintings, they use nat- ural and cultural elements of Singapore but add a modern and semi-abstract dimension; they have also created large murals around Singapore. We were tasked to work on a mural encapsulating different cultural aspects of the Dulwich schools around the globe. The next day we embarked on a scenic walk through the modern city of Singapore and used the photography skills we had learnt to capture the city in our own ways. Those of us following the Fashion and Textiles segment then attended a workshop from ‘Talking Textiles’, run by

collaborated on a mural that would be displayed in the art exhibition at the end of the trip. I particularly liked the duo’s use of colours and free-flowing style. The following day, we set out on a hot, humid walk around the bay to take photo references of the old architecture and culture. The Merlion statue (a huge sea lion spitting out water) and



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