The Alleynian 712 2024

REFUGEE WEEK A busy week of events and activities encouraged us all to remember that refugees are living, breathing people, reflects Sue Mulholland, former Director of Free Learning and Head of Inclusion

M igrating comes with challenges and throughout another. We questioned why having a Refugee Week is important. As Benjamin Zephaniah said, ‘…refugees are not just statistics, they are living, breathing people’. In his keynote talk to the College Seyi Rhodes, journalist and broadcaster, began with the statement, ‘No one wants to be a refugee.’ During the week, talks, events and lesson activities fo- cused on how all our lives are interwoven, and how com- passion goes a long way to support, to heal and to bring about change. Reflecting on Seyi Rhodes’ keynote talk, Dr Golding – Head of Geography – spoke of how Rhodes explored refugee stories, weaving together his own biog- raphy with the biographies of the refugees he has inter- viewed for his Channel 4 documentary series Unreported World . In doing so, he reminded us that refugee stories are the stories of real people with their own fears and Refugee Week we took the time to remember that nothing happens in isolation: one movement impacts

dreams. Refugees are people that are not somehow distant or ‘other’, but are connected to us though shared histories, interwoven geographies and a common humanity.

‘It was a great talk that provided detail and captivating stories. It was amazing to see how MSF comes to life and inspiring to see how people can be helped.’ Adria Mir Muntades (Year 9)

Throughout the week, Junior School pupils engaged in ac- tivities that shed light on the lives of refugees and fostered a sense of compassion and understanding. One of the most impactful moments was the assembly led by Amy Camp- bell Golding, co-founder of the charity My Start. Amy shared captivating stories about life in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. She told us about the art workshops the charity runs for young people in the camp, highlighting the importance of creative learning for those affected by con- flict and living in challenging circumstances.


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