The Alleynian 712 2024

T he year commenced with a fresh cohort of senior cadets stepping up to assume leadership roles across the contingent. In my new role as RSM, I was sup- ported by WO Charlie Eccles (Year 13) from the RAF section, WO1 Lizzie Coulton (JAGS) of the Army section, and WO1 Alice Dorans (JAGS) leading the Royal Navy section. The contingent worked together strongly and effectively under the leadership of its officers and NCOs, offering a diverse range of opportunities for all cadets to get involved in. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the year was our Battlecraft Camp, where we held the Terry Walsh Cup. Senior cadets organised and executed various stands, of which the most enjoyable was the night observation exercise, where sec- tions navigated through the darkness to observe enemy camps and report back on any salient details overheard. Being in the CCF has profoundly shaped me as a person, and it is hard to say goodbye. However, I am confident in the ability of next year’s senior cadets to maintain the proud legacy of DCCCF. RAF It has been another great year for the RAF section. Ca- dets sharpened up their fieldcraft skills early in the year during our annual Recruits’ Camp and in the Terry Walsh Cup. They later embarked on monthly RAF flying trips, alongside a gliding trip. The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the Royal Air Squadron Trophy. Dulwich’s cadet team, under the leadership of CWO Charlie Eccles, secured first place in the fiercely contested London and South-East region, and went on to secure third place nationally. This competition also earned us the inaugural WO1 (RSM) Emilio Ali (Year 13) looks back over his final year in the CCF THE COMBINED CADET FORCE



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