The Alleynian 712 2024

indignation-provoking comments on sections of history that the school curriculum never covers. In February we were able to visit the Archives and their exhibition about smoking, with the cabinet containing an extensive collec- tion of vapes attracting considerably more attention than the other, more history-focused displays. The present has always caused us to reassess the past, and to that end we have had talks about the Middle East from two distin- guished researchers – James Barr and Gardner Thomp- son – which led us all to reflect on our previous opinions and whether they are justifiable. One discussion continued until 6pm, at which point my opponent and I parted and walked home, feeling invigorated and eager to know more and more about history. The historiographical discussion about ‘invention’ in history continues. But after this year of History Society, no attendee can even think of trying to join Miss Morland in her dismissal of one of the most exciting, exhilarating and enjoyable subjects that society has to offer. ◉

facts, looking into their uses and analysing their effective- ness. We welcome any new members to come along on a Wednesday at 1:45pm and join in, as we debate history over some tea and biscuits. ◉ MODERN LANGUAGES CULTURE SOCIETY ALEXANDER REESE (YEAR 13) The Modern Languages Culture Society has covered a plethora of interesting and informative topics, from finance to Holy Week. This year, the attendees have played a significant part in the success of our society, with student-led presentations as well as talks from Cam- bridge alumni. Our areas for discussion have ranged from translating runes in ancient civilizations to language in competitive sport. Exploring the wonders of French film has helped to attract a record number of Year 9 and Year 10 students to the society, making this year its strongest to date. I hope that we have successfully in- spired a new generation of linguists! ◉ POLITICS SOCIETY LUC GERARD (YEAR 13) AND KOUTARO NOMOTO (YEAR 13) Against the backdrop of an increasingly tumultuous global political climate, Politics Society has been a healthy space for free-flowing and diverse political thought and polite but passionate debate. We have had the honour of hosting several fascinating external speakers, who have come from hugely varying roles and backgrounds. The ever-increasing roster of speakers includes Chief Strategy Officer of the Valuation Office Agency Kirsty Wildgoose,


Welcome to our vibrant Mahjong Society, where the clack of the tiles blends with the tranquil sounds of Cantopop, all in celebration of Hong Kong culture. Founded inorder to spread the joy and entertainment of this tactical game, our society fosters connections between pupils across the whole school. One of the most unforgettable sessions saw students from Years 8 to 13 crowding around the tables, deeply hooked into the strategic game, whilst engaging one another in fascinating conversations. This has been a spectacular year for the Mahjong Society, but it could not have been possible without the guidance of Miss Chow and Mr Suddaby, our teachers-in-charge. Here, we express a heartfelt thank you to them both for leading us in sharing the joy and richness of Hong Kong culture, one tile at a time. MIDDLE SCHOOL HISTOR´Y SOCIETY JOSEPH MATHEWS (YEAR 11) In Middle School History Society this year we have ex- plored a multitude of different topics from Norse mythol- ogy to female pirates of the Caribbean. From time to time we visit the Archives or explore old World War Two arte-



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