The Alleynian 712 2024

recently compiling a booklet in which the boys could un- dertake weather surveys during their week away. Continuously selfless, kind, quietly generous and with a great sense of humour, Richard has been an easy-going colleague, a calming presence with a stoic willingness to undertake the wide range of roles that fall within his remit. Richard’s presence in the Junior School Common Room – where he is often found either bemoaning Chelsea’s latest dip in form, or regaling his colleagues with his current DIY project (like fitting his own bathroom, including underfloor heating) – will be sorely missed. It is to his credit (and possibly a hint at the fact that we take him for granted at times!) that as Richard looks forward to retirement, the Junior School will not only need to replace a Year 6 Form Tutor, but also a Head of Geography, a master timetabler, a cover coordinator, a hockey coach, a Grenville House- master, and above all, an all-round great colleague. ◉

us – and due to overwhelming enthusiasm from the boys – Richard managed to mastermind the reinstatement of the House Hockey tournament into the increasingly busy Junior School calendar. Richard’s enthusiasm for a sport which often plays second fiddle to the big three has clear- ly rubbed off on the boys under his care. Indeed, there are teams throughout the College which are peppered with keen and talented players who would have first put stick to ball when in the Junior School, under the encour- aging eye and patient tutelage of Mr Oubridge. As Richard leaves – and thanks in no small part to his enthusiasm and dedication – Junior School Hockey is flourishing as never before. It was back in 2004 that Richard first joined the Year 6 team, and – aside from a short stint in Year 4 and one fur- ther year in Year 5 – he has been there ever since. Richard has been an ever-popular Form Tutor with his students over the years, and this is particularly true with his Year 6 classes. His patient guidance in the Michaelmas term, as preparations for the 11+ gather pace, has been so appre- ciated, as has his leadership of the much anticipated end- of-year residential trips. Whether planning annual visits to Normandy to enrich the boys’ Humanities work on the Second World War, or running PGL in Weymouth with the scheduled stop off at the Tank Museum in Bovington, Richard has always put the boys’ enjoyment at the fore- front of his planning. Further to this, Richard has spent many happy weeks at the Outdoor Centre in Wales. He was Residential Trips coordinator for many years, wrote a staff handbook, and worked closely with the centre staff to update and improve the activities provision for the Year 4 and 5 visits. Richard has continued to tie in his role as Geography coordinator with the Outdoor Centre visits,



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