The Alleynian 712 2024

From football in Spain and skiing in the Alps to trekking in Nepal, he was a brilliant tourist: great fun and utterly dependable. Rob will be missed in the Physical Education and Games Department and in the wider College for a vast number of reasons, not least for his encyclopaedic general knowl- edge and his legendary apple crumbles (even if supply did not quite meet demand!). He was a popular and support- ive colleague, who will leave behind many faithful friends. It is testament to his character and personable nature that he forged so many enduring relationships. Our loss is Warwick School’s gain, and Rob’s promotion to Assistant Director of Sport is well deserved. We wish him all the best as he takes up this new post, and look forward to hearing of his life ‘back home’. His new de- partment will soon value him and all that he stands for as much as his old department does. ◉

With all that said, perhaps his most important contribu- tion to the long and illustrious history of rugby union at Dulwich College was the way in which he built upon the excellent work of his predecessors, maintaining a truly positive rugby culture for all students from Year 3 to Year 13. Crucial to this was his work in connecting the current players with those of the past. He should take immense pride in the new initiatives he started, such as the Leake Cup, which have resonated with pupils, colleagues and parents alike. Away from rugby, Rob made significant and long-lasting contributions to other aspects of the sporting provision. He was anything but a one-trick pony; Head of Athletics and the Head of High-Performance Programme are just two of the prominent roles he can include in his impressive portfolio. He was also responsible for numerous teams across a wide variety of sports from football to cricket, and was always incredibly popular with his players, with his willingness to put their needs first always evident. It is not just within the Physical Education and Games Department that Rob had a memorable impact. His con- tribution proved invaluable in a wide array of roles across the College. These included: Form Tutor in the Lower and Middle Schools, Day Housemaster of Raleigh in the Lower School, and Visiting Tutor in Blew House. In these posi- tions, he always made the role his own and went about the job in an inimitable way. Rob readily went above and beyond to contribute to the wider community. For example, he entertained many spectators whilst playing in staff teams in rugby, football and cricket. He also gave up huge portions of his holiday to accompany boys on expeditions across the globe.



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