The Alleynian 712 2024

prediction and for automation. Conversational agents like Claude, GPT-3 and Grok are used not only by businesses, but also in millions of homes, and they are able to under- stand, and respond to, natural language. AI also powers new consumer products and services. Computer vision allows cameras to recognize people, objects and loca- tions; voice recognition enables hands-free commands; AI recommendation engines suggest personalized content and purchases; autonomous vehicles like Tesla rely on neural networks trained on billions of miles of driving data to navigate our highways. In industry, the possibilities are dizzying, with the use of large language models like GPT-4 and CodeGen automating content creation, customer service, document analysis and software development. Anthropic’s Constitutional AI technique constrains these models to behave ethically and to avoid harmful biases. Exciting though it is, all of this rapid change also ne- cessitates thoughtful consideration of ethics, security and accountability. We must ensure that such powerful technologies benefit humanity. Concerns exist around the potential misuse of AI, and about the loss of account- ability and erosion of human skills if dependence on automation becomes excessive. Thoughtful oversight and governance of these exponentially powerful technologies will be critical to ensure that AI systems align with human values, and that they benefit all of society. ◉ WE MUST ENSURE THAT SUCH POWERFUL TECHNOLOGIES BENEFIT HUMANITY

Artwork by Oliver Deurell Benito (Year 11)



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