The Alleynian 712 2024

cosy, and we have been able to continue running a very busy library service along with two book clubs, an awards shadowing club and the Dulwich Despatch Club! MH Did you experience any significant challenges during the development of the new Raymond Chandler Library? PF The construction of the new building took a little longer than originally planned due to some inclement weather, and we had to stay in our temporary accommo- dation longer than expected, but that gave us extra time to plan the details, which was great. MH What do you miss the most about the old Lower School Library? PF We still have a few pangs of nostalgia for the old library, as it had a certain shabby chic quality towards the end of its life, and we have very happy memories of many of the pupils who passed through it, and the brilliant staff who worked there over the years, including Mrs Bottomley and Mrs Rowing, who ran it for most of its existence! The old library also hosted some fantastic authors over the years and I have vivid memories of the visits of Joe Craig, Mark Walden, Marcus Sedgwick and a young Robert Muchamore! MH What benefits are there to the new Lower School Library compared to the old building?

PF The new Library is spread over two floors so there is lots more space! The ground floor is for fiction books and has lovely comfy seating for pupils to relax in whilst read- ing. Several of the bookcases are on wheels so we can move them around to create extra space when we host events such as author talks. Our non-fiction books are to be found on the first floor, and this is also where we have our classroom area with desks and chairs for pupils; this is where information skills lessons will be taught, and where our clubs will meet. A further benefit is that the new build- ing is environmentally friendly with net zero emissions. MH Can we expect similar renovations for the Junior School or Wodehouse Library? PF We would love to be able to refurbish the Junior School and Wodehouse Libraries at some point! MH What plans do you have for Dulwich College Libraries in the future? PF The Libraries at Dulwich are really thriving, and we love that our students are such keen library users! This year has seen some record amounts of book borrowing and we want to keep on providing an excellent library service that enables pupils to develop a lifelong love of learning. ◉

The new building is environmentally friendly, with net zero emissions



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