The Alleynian 712 2024

‘I AM’ James White (Year 9) It seems to me that sometimes, we allow our minds to stray And focus on the useful things, that keep our fears away We take ourselves on journeys, for a different point of view And wonder what it is That connects the me to the you It seems to me that sometimes, we let ourselves go free And take a chance in life, in who and what to be We give our minds an option, to think of who we are And allow our thoughts to wander But never stray too far It seems to me that sometimes, and yet I don’t know why We learn to see the mirror, not just as one great lie We find another path, the one we choose to take And know the lives we lead Are ours to mould and make It seems to me that sometimes

Artwork by Starsky Reeves (Year 11)

SONNET Henry Armstrong (Year 12)

We do know who to be And proudly learn to say We are we You are you And I am me.

My heart is held in two strong bonds of steel, Each silver thread with counterpart at odds, Each bound so taut it caus’th my soul to reel In agony: to worship two false gods. The first a goddess hewn of lyric sung, Of music and of drama’s hands created. Long since she hath my spirit’s tears all wrung, Yet she alone would tie mine heart, placated. The second, raised by leaves of wooded grove Who of her – his – allure is keen and coy, Full well she – he – doth make a pain of love, Who using my heart, with it is pleas’d to toy. Fain would I cleave to Nature’s cause, obsess, Yet dare I crave the stranger muse’s caress.



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