The Alleynian 712 2024

Of the five predicted scenarios in the UN’s most recent climate report, not one shows a temperature rise below the 1.5 degrees Celsius pledged in the Paris Conference of 2015

forces to promote sustainability is the rise of the reusable water bottle market. For example, Stanley Cups’ market value rose from US$74 million in 2019 to $750 million in 2023, admittedly with the aid of seven billion (and count- ing) TikTok video views. Of course, in order for change to occur on the required scale, we need consumers increasingly to act according to ethical motives, accepting the financial impact when they buy relatively more expensive sustainable products, until (we must hope) firms produce cheaper ones. Many producers and consumers, however, remain selfish, continuing to act according to self-interest. Nonetheless, social media and popularity trends can affect consumer spending, promoting the purchase of more expensive sustainable products such as Stanley cups, creating demand for more sustainable products and therefore helping the sustainable market to grow, as new firms recognise the potential profits. Sustainability, and how to achieve it, is an ongoing co- nundrum for every one of us. We live in a world where we are faced with the choice of taking what some would refer to as ‘extreme’ climate action, through which we risk criminalisation, or of relying on our power as consumers to support sustainability in the market. Quite how peacefully we can live with our decisions from day to day is something which only each of us can, individu- ally, judge. ◉

Artwork by Henry Yang (Year 12)



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