The Alleynian 712 2024

Fourteen boys took part in this year’s competition, ranging in age from only 9 up to 17 years old. Performing were ten pianists, two violinists, a cellist and one singer. Throughout, the standard and level of playing was such that every single performance was enjoyable to listen to and one could hear each performer’s individual voice and expression, interpreting Bach’s music. It was simply a joy to hear! The competition was adjudicated by Sarah MacDonald, Fellow and Director of Music at Selwyn College, Cam- bridge, and Director of the Girl Choristers at Ely Cathe- dral. Sarah is also President-elect of the Royal College of Organists. The performers were Wentao Liu (Year 11), Aidan Leung (Year 10), Jaden Lam (Year 12), Aidan Nagpaul (Year 9), Elliot Coulson (Year 12), Perkyns Ho (Year 11), Hugo Jopling (Year 11), Aidan Normanton (Year 5), Henry Arm- strong (Year 12), Ryan Nguyen (Year 10), Wilf Patten (Year 12), Thomas Purvis (Year 12), Kenneth Lai (Year 9) and Ollie Scully (Year 11). Following the formal competition, we were treated to an absolutely superb performance by James Orford OA, who played the Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582. It was made all the more special because not only was James playing on the organ that Sir Bryan Thwaites donated to the College, but also this year’s event celebrates Sir Bry- an’s 100th birthday. Sadly, he was not well enough to at- tend the competition himself and was instead represented by his son, Jacoby, but we extend our warmest birthday greetings to him on achieving this significant milestone. The evening culminated with the insightful comments, adjudication and awarding of prizes by Sarah MacDon- ald. She shared her astonishing knowledge and thoughts concerning Bach’s music, as well as how each performer might improve or develop their own thinking and skills as musicians. She had something helpful to say to each person. Everyone played with heart and commitment but this was a competition, and the winner this year was Perkyns Ho, who brilliantly played Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 889 (piano). The second prize went to Aidan Normanton, by far the youngest player of the night, who played Prel- ude and Fugue in C minor BWV 847 (piano). Elliot Coul- son was awarded Highly Commended. Congratulations to all three prize winners and many congratulations to all the performers in this year’s competition!


What a year of shows the rock and pop instrumentalists and singers have given us in 2023–24! In addition to the Rock and Pop Project, which gives students mentor- ing from industry professionals, pupils from the Junior School, Lower, Middle and Upper Schools have also taken part in the Rock and Pop Showcase, House Electric and the College of Rock. The Rock and Pop Project has given four bands the op- portunity to be coached musically, preparing the students for their end-of-term performances. The tutors are work- ing musicians with ongoing careers in contemporary mu- sic. They stress the fundamentals of both popular music and music theory, using songs from popular bands and artists like The Surfaris, Oasis, The Rolling Stones, Ocean Colour Scene, Queen, Rammstein, Joy Division, Cream, Booker T & the MGs, and music from genres including R&B/soul, glam rock, punk rock, industrial metal, indie rock and pop-punk. Two students who have been part of the project this year have provided their thoughts. Rohan Shinkre (Year 9) writes, ‘ it has been great to meet lots of new people who are around the same age as me, and all our performances so far have been amazing! The Rock and Pop Showcase was a great opportunity for everyone (including myself) to showcase their skills and talent, and almost like a taster of what was to come. Then the recent College of Rock was considerably bigger, and it was brilliant to have such a big turn-out. My overall experience has been fantastic! ’ Nathan Firla (Year 13) says, ‘ I found the Rock and Pop Project the perfect catalyst to bring individual musicians into a tight-knit group. Having officially formed into the band Venus, I have enjoyed learning covers with the band as well as sharing my own songs, which we have performed across the many concerts, such as the Rock and Pop Showcase, House Electric competition and the College of Rock show. My time at the Rock and Pop Project has proven to be instrumental to my development as a drummer, performer, band mate, songwriter and all-round artist, and I would strongly recommend it to any young aspiring musicians. ’



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