The Alleynian 712 2024

Adagio Mesto, from Brahms’ Horn Trio in Eb. It is rare to hear younger pupils playing this work because it is so technically and musically demanding. However, all three pupils, Perkyns Ho (piano), Rory Gurney (horn, Year 12) and James Pinon-Williams (violin, Year 11), really brought this music to life. The penultimate performer of the evening was Choral Scholar Daniel Kamaluddin (Year 13) whose beautiful interpretation of ‘Alma del core’ by Antonio Caldara, was expertly accompanied on the piano by Clíodna Shanahan. The concert concluded with a brilliant rendition of the first movement, Allegro risoluto ben marcato, from the Octet for Strings, Op.3 by Johan Svendsen, expertly led by Hugo Jopling (violin, Year 11). The other performers were Jaden Lam (violin, Year 12), Samuel Ray-Billington (violin, Year 13), Taylor Lai (violin, Year 9), Wilf Patten (viola, Year 12), Nathan Ikechukwu Daniel (viola, Year 10), Ho-Tin Loke (cello, Year 13) and Thomas Purvis (cello, Year 12). Thank you to all the music staff who prepared the boys for the concert, especially Clíodna Shanahan, our new Head of Keyboard, who co-leads the Chamber Music programme with me. Thanks too to Caitlin Kelly, Head of Lower School Music, David Eno, Deputy Director of Music, and Emily Eno, Head of Percussion, who coached individual ensembles in this concert, together with a number of our visiting music staff, including Mr Ryan, Ms Roques and Ms Stahlmann. We are also grateful to the teachers of the concert’s two soloists, Dan Lud- ford-Thomas, Head of Singing, and Mr Ashton. WINTER CONCERT RICHARD MAYO, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC The College’s Winter Concert 2023 was held in the Cadogan Hall in November. Some 270 pupils were involv- ed in an eclectic programme which drew on a diverse range of musical styles, including works by David Childs, Marcello, Guy Woolfenden and Brahms. The Madrigal Choir, over 100 strong and conducted by Dan Ludford-Thomas, opened the concert singing two pieces to great effect: ‘The New Moon’ by David Childs and ‘Northern Lights’ by the Latvian composer Ēriks Ešenvalds. Lucy Morrell, piano, together with Kanten Sze (Year 11) and Emily Eno, percussion, accompanied.



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