Research | Using Small Groups to Differentiate Instruction

Figure 2b.


Before the Lesson: • Choose a grade-level text.

• Check the text for vocabulary words and create flashcards for two or three vocabulary words that students do not know or may need to review. The best words to choose are those for which lack of

knowledge would impede comprehension of the text. Lesson Materials: vocabulary cards and grade-level texts

Vocabulary (5 minutes) Show one vocabulary card. Pronounce the word and prompt students to repeat the word after you. Provide students with a student-friendly definition of the word and an example sentence that uses the word. Ask questions and prompt students to respond in complete sentences using the target word. Repeat until all vocabulary words have been taught. Book Reading (10 minutes) Give each student a copy of the text. Instruct students to read each page chorally or with individual students reading aloud and others following along silently (perhaps sliding a finger under each line to show they are following along). One good way to have students build fluency is to have them take turns reading in pairs, with the teacher listening in to provide support (e.g., a group of four would include two pairs). If students need more support, the teacher can model reading a section of text fluently and students can “echo-read” it after the teacher finishes. Scaffold students' reading and, if there is time, encourage them to reread to build fluency.


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