Objectives: In this workshop, you will:
• Identify the layers/stages of protection in depth.
• Describe the role of Design Basis Threat in identifying threats and risks for entities and external partners. • Identify the importance of physical security for registered entities, external partners and their assets. • Identify types of threats/vulnerabilities to physical security for registered entities. • Explain the reason for employing physical security controls.
Useful Links
Questions for SERC
Speaker Bios
In the VISA application sessions, you will:
• Experience practical application of adversary sequence diagrams, design basis threat (DBT), and the Vulnerability of Integrated Security Analysis (VISA) methodology.
Target Audience: This event will be of interest to physical security personnel and registered entity staff (Investor Owned, Municipal, Coops) charged with securing electric industry facilities and assets, as well as external security personnel whose facilities are dependent on reliable electricity delivery.
Times listed are approximate and may vary.
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