Reflet 2024 07 10


not the traditional burger you grab through your window at the drive-thru a few minutes after ordering. Fresh-cut fries (and therefore, of course, QPVUJOFXJUIIPVTFNBEFHSBWZBOE4U"MCFSU DIFFTFDVSET BOEHSJMMFEDIFFTFiNFMUT u like a smoked-meat melt, are also featured on the menu. “The melt is our take on an elevated grilled cheese with a sourdough rye made DSJTQ XJUI "TJBHP DIFFTF CVUUFS u 1FBSTPO said. "HBJO BVOJRVFNFMU BOEUIFDMVCTBOE - XJDImBDMBTTJDBOEPOFPGNZGBWPVSJUFTmJT made with pulled sous-vide chicken. The menu also offers gluten-free options mXIJDIFTTFOUJBMMZBSFNFOVJUFNTSFOEFSFE to what Pearson Street calls a “salad in a CPYumBOEBOFXWFHFUBSJBOMJPOTNBOF NVTISPPN TNBTI iCVSHFSu TFBSFE BOE amped up with an herbed aioli. “We want something for everyone on the NFOV uTBJE1FBSTPOi8FWFUSJFETPNF new cooking on the truck and added some VOJRVFEJTIFTBOEFYDJUFNFOUUPUIFGPPE DPNNVOJUZBUBSFTUBVSBOURVBMJUZMFWFMu That was certainly the case for the pop-up team of both Pearson Street and Couturier- Bernard, who said the collaboration gave customers a range of delicious foods and OFXáBWPVSTBOEUFYUVSFTBOEBDIBODFUP discover new businesses. “This event introduced people to my DPPLJOH QFPQMFUIBUEPOULOPXNF uIF said. “But I also wanted new customers for Pearson Street as well. It brought people UPHFUIFSBOEIFMQFECPUICVTJOFTTFTu Food writer Andrew Coppolino lives in Rockland. He is the author of “Farm to Table” and co-author of “Cooking with Shakespeare.” Follow him on Instagram at @andrewcoppolino. ontariens qui fabriquent ces produits et TFSWFOUMFTDMJFOUTDIBRVFKPVSv BEÊDMBSÊ le premier ministre Doug Ford dans un DPNNVOJRVÊ j*MTPVUJFOUÊHBMFNFOUOPUSFQMBOWJTBOU ÆPGGSJSBVYDPOTPNNBUFVSTMFNËNFUZQF EFDIPJYFUEFDPNNPEJUÊRVFDFMVJPGGFSU BVYBVUSFT$BOBEJFOTMPSTRVhJMTBDIÍUFOU EFTCPJTTPOTBMDPPMJTÊFT ÆQBSUJSEFDFU ÊUÊv BUJMBKPVUÊ %BOTMFTSÊHJPOTEF3VTTFMM $BTTFMNBO FU-B/BUJPO MBDBSUFJOEJRVFMFTEÊQBOOFVST -$#0E&NCSVO .FUDBMGFFU$SZTMFS BJOTJ RVFMFTÊQJDFSJFT'PPEMBOEFU*OEFQFOEFOU de Russell et Embrun. Il y a aussi un magasin de bière à Embrun qui demeure ouvert. -FTQSPEVDUFVSTEFMBSÊHJPODPNQSFOOFOU la Brasserie Tuque De Broue, RiverOak &TUBUFTÆ,FNPSFFUMF%PNBJOF$MFSPVY à Casselman. Les grèves devraient durer au moins EFVYTFNBJOFT"VDVOFOÊHPDJBUJPOOhB ÊUÊFOUSFQSJTFQVJTRVFMFTEFVYQBSUJFTPOU RVJUUÊMBUBCMFKFVEJTPJS MFKVJMMFU La carte interactive est disponible sur MFTJUFXFCEVHPVWFSOFNFOUEFM0OUB - SJP  Æ MBESFTTF XXXPOUBSJPDBQBHF where-buy-alcoholic-beverages.

You might say this past Saturday’s col- laboration between chefs Chris Pearson and Nouk Couturier-Bernard was nothing short of a smashing success – and more. Pearson, along with business partners son Cory and wife Kris, owner-operators of 1FBSTPO4USFFU4NBTI#VSHFSTA/.FMUT  teamed up with Rockland-born Couturier- Bernard on their Embrun food truck to serve a varied special menu to area food-lovers. The two businesses each brought unique and distinct flavours to the one-day pop-up and, along with a couple of cooks assisting in the small galley-style kitchen, hammered out dozens of smash burgers, lobster rolls, steak frites and a duck-and-soba-noodle dish for more than 250 people. Based in Embrun, Pearson Street hit the road running in 2021 as a stationary, perma- nent food truck and catering company which HSFXPVUPG$ISJT1FBSTPOTMPOHFYQFSJFODF in the food-and-beverage industry. Having cut his culinary teeth in professio- nal restaurant kitchens as a young teen, he HBJOFEDPSQPSBUFDPPLJOHFYQFSJFODFXJUI UIF$BMHBSZCBTFE.PYJFTHSPVQBOEIFMQFE grow the brand in Ontario as a regional chef for about two decades. i*WFCFFOBDIFGNZXIPMFMJGF uTBJE Pearson who went to school for hotel and SFTUBVSBOUNBOBHFNFOUJO.BOJUPCB 5IF1FBSTPOTPQFSBUJPOJTGFFUPG trailer built out with culinary equipment EFTJHOFEUPFYFDVUFUIFJSCVTJOFTTNPEFM For his part in the Saturday collaboration, the self-taught Couturier-Bernard, 25, is an Ottawa cook who last year did a stagiaire BU.BSD-FQJOFT"UFMJFS BUPQ$BOBEJBO NPEFSOJTUSFTUBVSBOUJOUIF(MFCF"OOFY He said the Saturday collaboration was inspired by his friendship with Cory, who also XPSLTBU0UUBXBT3FTUBVSBOUmBOEESJWFO by a shared desire to promote area farms and turn a spotlight on the local food scene. $PVUVSJFS#FSOBSETNFOVXBTMPCTUFS langoustine rolls, Gillette Farm steak frites XJUIBJPMJ "TJBOTUZMF.BSJQPTB'BSNEVDL with mango-pepper salad and soba noodles, BDIFFTFCPYXJUIUISFFBSFBDIFFTFTBOE i(SBOENBTQJFuGPSEFTTFSU “I think the event went well, and I was WFSZIBQQZ uTBJE$PVUVSJFS#FSOBSEXIP is currently in the planning stages with a

L’événement pop-up organisé par Pearson Street et La Micheline a permis d’introduire de nouveaux aliments et de nouvelles saveurs au food truck établi à Embrun, qui propose déjà des plats uniques et excitants « d’une qualité digne d’un restaurant «. Le chef de La Micheline, Nouk Couturier-Bernard (à gauche), et l’équipe de Pearson (Cory, Nick, Chris et Kris) posent pour une photo lors de l’événement. (Photo fournie par Kris Pearson)

than hand-formed in the traditional way. “The heat and pressure creates that ins- UBOUDBSBNFMJ[BUJPO uTBJE1FBSTPOi8JUIJUT freshness, the flavour profile on the smash burger is amazing. It can stand alone as one or two patties and cheese, but we take some DVMJOBSZFYQFSJFODFBOECSJOHBEJGGFSFODF UPUIFHBNFu If the original Oklahoma smash burger, a creation that dates to the 1940s, was QBDLFEXJUIPOJPOT 1FBSTPO4USFFUTWFSTJPO is a prairie mile from it, with each burger having its own unique flavour, sauces and ingredients served on a grilled potato bun. Fresh basil pesto, for instance, with her- bed goat cheese, cucumber coins, pickled TIBMMPUTBOETBVUÊFECFMMQFQQFSTUIBUJT

business partner for his own restaurant, -B.JDIFMJOF B'SFODITUZMFXJOFCBSJO Rockland. “Cory and I thought the lobster SPMMXPVMETFMMUIFCFTU"OEXFTPMEPVUBOE DPVMEIBWFTPMENPSFu Couturier-Bernard said he's done several collaborations with Ottawa restaurants, but this was his first with a food truck. His new venture will draw on the heritage BOESFDJQFTPGIJT"DBEJBOHSBOENPUIFST kitchen and those of his Franco-Ontarian roots. For their regular service since 2021, Pear- son Street has been something of a land- NBSLJO:BIPP1BSLXIFSFUIFJSDVTUPNFST have access to picnic tables and covered TFBUJOHGPSBCPVUUIFSFTBCBMMEJBNPOE nearby, a splash pad and playground, hockey rink and a bowling alley adjacent. 5IFSFQFSIBQTDPVMEOUCFBCFUUFSWFOVF for smashing burgers, a favourite food of Chris Pearson. “For some reason, I just love burgers BOEUIFTNBTICVSHFSHPUNZBUUFOUJPO uIF said. “But we elevate that and add some NPSFRVBMJUZ5IFQBUUJFTBSFOUQSFGPSNFE BOEGSP[FO8FSFGSFTIUPPSEFS BOEXFGFMU that was something we could add to the food TDFOFIFSFJO&NCSVOu It's that niche that the Pearsons strive to àMMmBOEUPEPUIBURVJDLMZUIFZWFIPOFEB process for getting out orders in about 10 minutes. The result draws smash burger- lovers from Ottawa and has garnered them TPNFiCFTUCVSHFSuBXBSET BDDPSEJOHUP Pearson. 4NBTICVSHFSTIBWFUIFJSOBZTBZFSTm UIBUJUTUPPUIJOBOEVOTVCTUBOUJBMBQBUUZ mCVU1FBSTPOJTRVJDLUPUISPXEPXOUIF burger gauntlet and challenge that view. i5IFSFTUIBUPMETDIPPMMBDZ DSJTQZFEHF CVSHFSUIBUBMNPTUMPPLTMJLFBDIJQ uIF said, “but ours are about three-eighths of an inch, four inches in diameter and two UISFFPVODFQBUUJFT*GZPVEJEOUMJLFZPVS àSTUTNBTICVSHFS *MMKVTUTBZUIBUNBZCF JUXBTOUEPOFQSPQFSMZu 6TJOHGSFTIMZHSPVOE#MBDL"OHVTCFFG EFMJWFSFEXFFLMZGSPN.BSDIÊ'FSNF(JMMFUUF PO4U"OESF3PBEJO&NCSVO BUPSEFSB CBMMPGDIVDLmTBOTàMMFSmIJUTB' flat-top and is pressed into a patty, rather



Vous cherchez des rafraîchissements pour l'été alors que la grève de la LCBO entame la première de ses deux semaines ? Au grand dam des 9 000 employés des magasins d'alcool qui restent sans travail, le gouvernement de l'Ontario a dévoilé une carte interactive indiquant où les Ontariens assoiffés peuvent trouver d'autres points de vente de boissons alcoolisées. Quelques jours seulement après la GFSNFUVSFEFT-$#0 MFTFNQMPZÊTBZBOU EÊCSBZÊQPVSQSPUFTUFSDPOUSFMBWPMPOUÊEV gouvernement progressiste-conservateur du premier ministre Doug Ford d'ouvrir la vente d'alcool à un plus grand nombre d'endroits, MFHPVWFSOFNFOUBMBODÊVOPVUJMFOMJHOF SÊQFSUPSJBOUMFTCSBTTFSJFT MFTEJTUJMMFSJFT  MFTÊQJDFSJFTFUMFTEÊQBOOFVST-$#0EFMB province qui vendent encore des boissons BMDPPMJTÊFT j$FUUFOPVWFMMFDBSUFFTUVOFYDFMMFOU moyen de relier les gens de toute la province BVYQSPEVJUTMPDBVYGBCSJRVÊTFO0OUBSJP et de soutenir les centaines d'entreprises ontariennes et les milliers de travailleurs

The hot and smokey smash burger on offer at Pearson Street. (Photo provided by Kris Pearson)

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