Wellbeing Matters

Wellbeing at the College

Emotional health

The Wellbeing programme provides a PSHE curriculum that is relevant, accessible, and meets the Department for Education’s RSHE statutory guidance. Lessons are delivered every fortnight by highly trained form tutors, who are best placed to provide tailored lessons to the individual needs of their students, in a safe and supportive learning environment. The curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated, with materials, workshops and speakers chosen based on current trends, student voice and emerging research. We ensure that every student receives an excellent and consistent Wellbeing education that is embedded throughout the College. Pupils develop physical and emotional wellbeing at the College and our programme has been designed also to promote self-knowledge and build emotional intelligence. It comprises six strands: emotional health, spiritual health, physical health, living in community, healthy living and preparation for the future. Our programme covers an extensive range of topics including: relationships, consent, digital relationships and pornography, sexual health, peer influence, bullying and conflict resolution, resilience, financial literacy, British democracy and community, bias and stereotypes, careers, alcohol and drugs, smoking and vaping, addiction, mental health and families. Student Voice is at the heart of the Wellbeing provision at Dulwich and plays an integral role in the direction of the curriculum, ensuring that the course remains relevant to all young people in today’s ever-changing world. There are many ways in which pupils can have their say in what is covered and how it is covered, including joining one of the many Wellbeing Forum groups. To support the Wellbeing provision, we have worked in partnership with many excellent organisations including It Happens, Beyond Equality, Movember, the PSHE Association, Life Lessons, the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation, DISCOVER (NHS Camhs), Barclays Life Skills, Be Internet Citizens, Cifas and many more. Parental support and involvement is integral to the success of the programme and regular updates regarding what students are studying and when are sent out to all parents, along with invitations to our twice-termly information webinars that cover a wide range of topics delivered by our outstanding partners including It Happens and Digital Awareness UK. In doing so, we are aiming to equip parents with the skills and confidence to feel empowered to have meaningful and positive conversations at home on the topics that are so important to the young people in our care. In addition to the formal Wellbeing programme, we have structures and people in place to provide support. Our Form Tutors and Year Heads are often the first point of call for pupils and parents. We also have an on-site counselling team, the Medical Centre, the Chaplaincy team, a peer-led mentoring service, a Community Action programme, and activities supporting charitable fund raising.

Spiritual health

Physical health

Living in community

Healthy living

Preparation for the future


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