Wellbeing Matters

10. Sleep Time Rest is so important for healthy bodies and minds and many of our youngest children need their naps. In the Kindergarten, they go to rest in the sleep room; in Pre Reception they head to the cosy corner if they feel tired.

12. Golden Rules At DUCKS, we follow six golden rules to keep our school a happy place: we are gentle, we are kind, we are honest, we listen, we look after property, we work hard.

Role Models As part of Community Action, we welcome older pupils from local schools to volunteer and spend time engaging and supporting all our learners.




11. Circle Time A chance for everyone to have their say, speak aloud in front of their peers and take turns, circle time is an excellent way to discuss the issues that are on our children’s minds. It may be that we need to discuss events in the playground, the news or ideas that feature in our termly Wellbeing or RE topics. Everyone has a voice, and everyone’s contribution is valued.

13.FruityTea We celebrate all our learners in many different ways and once a week a child is chosen from each class to have fruity tea with the Head of DUCKS in their office.



9. DUCKS of the Week In Friday’s achievement


assembly, ‘Duck of the week’ is awarded to children from each class who have done something particularly special.



8. Playtime Provision Some children want to run around and let off steam, others want to chat with their friends, some need a quiet space to reflect at playtime, so the DUCKS playgrounds offer spaces to engage in a variety of different activities. The staff on duty give support and will join in or intervene if needed, but children are encouraged to make their own fun at this time, resolve disputes themselves when they can, look after each other and work together. 14. RULER At DUCKS we follow the RULER programme for explicitly teaching emotional literacy. Borne out of research from the Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence, the programme teaches children the language they need to be able to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate (RULER) their emotions.


7. Sticker Books For KS1 All our children are given reward stickers for effort and achievement in all areas, but our older children collect them in sticker books and save up to earn a certificate, medal or shield which they are presented in assemblies.


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